Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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MaulFan said:

Anyone have any idea how Andy managed to get the jacket to be open like this?

No, but OTHER THAN the sunglasses he looks perfect in that pic. The sunglasses are just too small for a T2 Arnold. Perfect for T3, which is where they came from. Andy did a great job on the figure even after sculpting him :D
If you guys are still looking for an M79 grenade belt, you're in luck. Looks like BBI makes one and I just scored one on ebay with all 12 grenades! I was all set to make one tonight but now I don't have to. :rolleyes:
Off topic, but when is the HT Endo supposed to go up for preorder with SS?
dekadentdave said:
If you guys are still looking for an M79 grenade belt, you're in luck. Looks like BBI makes one and I just scored one on ebay with all 12 grenades! I was all set to make one tonight but now I don't have to. :rolleyes:

Can you post the picture from ebay here?

I can't find it on ebay. What did you type in to search?

Help, Dave. Help!
dekadentdave said:
If you guys are still looking for an M79 grenade belt, you're in luck. Looks like BBI makes one and I just scored one on ebay with all 12 grenades! I was all set to make one tonight but now I don't have to. :rolleyes:

Where? What does it look like? What's it called, link to auction?
Wor-Gar said:

Forgot to mention, since I turned the chest around, my head now tilts side to side and forward. The pic above shows his head tilted a bit. So T-800 does in fact have a ball jointed neck after all.

Sounds like you lucked out, my chest is correct and his head won't budge and I dare not force too much don't want to risk damage.
MaulFan said:
Anyone have any idea how Andy managed to get the jacket to be open like this?

I think it's just a result of strategic placement of the figure stand. I've got the stand gripping him at his waist, underneath the back of the jacket.... I'll post a pic in a minute so you can see what I mean, I think that's why the jacket is staying open in front. I'll post a shot of T-1000 as well for Wor-Gar....

*edit: Ok here we go....



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Nice! Thanks Andy!

You can force the head a bit and it will articulate a little after that.

That is correct. My head was stuck like all the rest. I kind of worked it back and forth and finally it "cracked" loose and was free to swivel. It doesn't move a lot, but I can get some movement side-to-side and forward. None looking up -- the back plate to the big boy chest is too high.
Wor-Gar said:
Nice! Thanks Andy!

That is correct. My head was stuck like all the rest. I kind of worked it back and forth and finally it "cracked" loose and was free to swivel. It doesn't move a lot, but I can get some movement side-to-side and forward. None looking up -- the back plate to the big boy chest is too high.

Would you suggest rocking the head back and forth or side to side?

Thanks for the help guys, and thanks Andy for sharing, makes sense now, I've only been working with T-800 off the stand because his legs hold up pretty good, but good to know if I display him the jacket'll be open like in the film. I can't wait to have an entertainment room some day, I'm going to have a lot of fun with my collectibles, I'll have the T-800 bust with T-800 and T-1000 figures to either side, that should look nice.
MaulFan said:
Would you suggest rocking the head back and forth or side to side?

Both. Just do it gently. Twist the head around too to help loosen the swivel joint below. Again, just rock it back and forth gently. It should give.
Wor-Gar said:
Both. Just do it gently. Twist the head around too to help loosen the swivel joint below. Again, just rock it back and forth gently. It should give.

Thanks, what's the neck articulation like on T-1000, same as the Star Wars line?
Wor-Gar said:
Yeah, his neck goes everywhere. You can get a good tilt, like when he gives Sarah that look.

And you know I'll be photographing / photoshopping that moment, classic imagery there, the little finger wave of "naughty, naughty you shouldn't have done that."

Just cracked the neck! His head moves everywhere except up, it does make little rubbing against hard plastic sort of sounds and the neck post felt loose or broken at first but it is still connected tight to the head so its cool and I'm sure will get worked in. He is now so much more animated, this is so important for the fight scenes and just about everything else.... thanks again!
Wor-Gar said:
Nice! Thanks Andy!

That is correct. My head was stuck like all the rest. I kind of worked it back and forth and finally it "cracked" loose and was free to swivel. It doesn't move a lot, but I can get some movement side-to-side and forward. None looking up -- the back plate to the big boy chest is too high.

Sweet, I'll try this as soon as I get home, thanks!
My Arnold changed to shipping soon, I'm excited but really anticipating my Hulk shipment. I think once I get it I will definitely give it the ol' Andy treatment with the shirt, hopefully I don't screw it up. I wonder if there are sunglasses that are similar to the T2 version from another company that might look better on the figure...
pjam said:

Just cracked the neck! His head moves everywhere except up, it does make little rubbing against hard plastic sort of sounds and the neck post felt loose or broken at first but it is still connected tight to the head so its cool and I'm sure will get worked in. He is now so much more animated, this is so important for the fight scenes and just about everything else.... thanks again!

No problem. Glad I could help.