Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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Pjam :

my English is not good, all is with the network language translation
Future will have photographs the new picture, also certainly with everybody share, will thank everybody
pjam said:
I think so. It will be interesting to see this AB Sculpt swapped onto the HT BD T 800 too! That may be the ultimate T 800.

Ultimate humanoid yes, but the ultimate would be a nicely done, still Arnie looking battle damaged T2 figure.
The AB headsculpt from T2 is not accurate to use for the HT T1 T-800 model. If you want an accurate Arnold headsculpt for the HT T-800 try using any one of the Frontline headsculpts that have one of the two different Arnold hairstyles seen in the film... the longer hair locks seen up until the Tech-Noir sequence and the cropped "spike" cut after his hair was "singed" off before his rampage through the police station. Also he had the gray punk jacket and spiked gloves and the 80's style deco shirt up through the Tech-Noir scene and switched to the black leather jacket in the hotel and acquired the Gargoyles just before the police station raid.
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Man, the T800 reminds me of SS's first 12" figure, frankenstein. Tall and skinning. looks more like a basketball player than a muscle bound mr olympia. Seriously, SS does such a great HS, but so much falls short with this figure.
The big boy body is NOT skinny by any measure, cotton balls in the hip joints will fill him out just fine.

Thanks Dave, THAT would be a good head swap solution for a "F-off A-hole" Hotel/ "I'll be back" Police station T1 Arnie...

It'd be great to have the HT BD figure for that look, plus the HT weapons set works nicely for the T2 Cyberdyne shootout...
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minivader said:
Man, the T800 reminds me of SS's first 12" figure, frankenstein. Tall and skinning. looks more like a basketball player than a muscle bound mr olympia. Seriously, SS does such a great HS, but so much falls short with this figure.

Arnold was still good sized in T2, but no where near how large he was Conan/T1 size.

Bigboy fits him well.
captain sack said:
yea, but the clothes don't. they look a few sizes too big. especially the pants. way too baggy.

Would you prefer they were two sizes too small like Bespin Han? :lol
captain sack said:
yea, but the clothes don't. they look a few sizes too big. especially the pants. way too baggy.

I'd rather have baggy pleather pants than ones that are so snug you can't pose him.
KamenGuyver said:
some new pics ~


compare the pics. Arnold is a much bulkier guy, not just his upper torso, his legs as well. The 12"'s oufit is pratically loose fitting. Jacket, pants, etc...

Personally, if its a compromise between posablity and realistic looking, I choose realistic, but that's just my preference. (and its not like Arnold really goes for some kung fu pose, mostly he just stands there pointing a scary looking big ass gun at you. :D )

One more note, I think due to the size of the ss body neck post, they cant give him a thicker neck either. That's another reason why I think arnold looks like a tall, but skinny guy.
I think this is the first bigboy figure that has the standard SS neck post. The previous figures had the neck sculpted to the body and the neck joint at the base of the skull.

Other than the shades, I think he looks fine. Especially all this for 50 bucks.
SS prolly slipped a few bills while HT passed.

HT's sculpt is still great, but is a little large (prolly cause of the light up eyes) and not screen acurate.
Yeah, Arnold's face was never THAT mutilated only partially not his entire face. Only way they could get around the likeness issue.
I don't know when the Hot Toys version came out but being elected Governor has made his likeness public domain because he's a public figure.

It's the same thing that allows political cartoons to be made.

I get the feeling that people still try to clear the Governator's likeness just to be on the safe side but at the end of the day he can't stop anyone from using it, though he could waste their time and money trying to have a court decide.

Anyways, I didn't get a shipping notice on this figure today. Today is 12 days after we got our notices on the 4th but the email does say that we should have received another email 7-10 days after the initial notice so we should have received that one between the 11th and the 14th.

I'm starting to think they may be holding the T-800 just a tad bit longer so they can ship them all out alongside the T-1000.
GuruAskew said:
I don't know when the Hot Toys version came out but being elected Governor has made his likeness public domain because he's a public figure.

It's the same thing that allows political cartoons to be made.

I get the feeling that people still try to clear the Governator's likeness just to be on the safe side but at the end of the day he can't stop anyone from using it, though he could waste their time and money trying to have a court decide.

Anyways, I didn't get a shipping notice on this figure today. Today is 12 days after we got our notices on the 4th but the email does say that we should have received another email 7-10 days after the initial notice so we should have received that one between the 11th and the 14th.

I'm starting to think they may be holding the T-800 just a tad bit longer so they can ship them all out alongside the T-1000.

true, but there is movie studio that owns the rights to consider as well. (probably James Cameron) Most likely HT's product are only to be distributed in asia, not the states so that they can avoid US copy right laws.

PS:I think HT terminator came out about 3-4 years ago.
It works like this-

If you make an "Arnold" figure, the likeness is public domain. Sure.

If you was to make a T-800 figure, from T2, with Arnold's likeness, you have to go through the license holder (and it's not Cameron, BTW).