Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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Wor-Gar said:
Thanks for the link P!

Not the best shots, but on par with most. The jacket sleeves look a bit large; may need a little narrowing.

I think part of the awkwardness of the figure is because the clothing is so ill-fitting in the shots we've seen. SS really needs a good futz-er before those figures go in for photography. Its a disservice to themselves.

I can't wait to get my hands on it and futz the hell out of it.

I can't wait to see yours when futzed, Mr. Futz King! :lol

And SSC needs to hire maulfan or something, their in house photographer is not cutting it. :monkey4
pjam said:
I can't wait to see yours when futzed, Mr. Futz King! :lol

And SSC needs to hire maulfan or something, their in house photographer is not cutting it. :monkey4

I agree.

Hey Maulfan, if you get hired, bring me in to futz the figures before you shoot. :D Talk about a fun job.
I just called Sideshow to see if I could get the T-800 and Legolas shipped together since I got both of their 3-5 day notice today. They said they couldn't because they would be coming on seperate trucks, but that the T-800 should be able shipping with the T-1000! So that is good news! I imagine we should get that 3-5 notice for him too then. :eek:
Wor-Gar said:
I agree.

Hey Maulfan, if you get hired, bring me in to futz the figures before you shoot. :D Talk about a fun job.

Thanks for the support Pjam and Wor-Gar, I'd love to work for SSC in some capacity if that were ever possible in the future. I'd water treat and things to make good shots if it were my job, but I'm cautious what I do with my own figures because they're so precious to me, I wouldn't want to do anything much more than some subtle futzing out of the box.
T-800 and T-1000 they both look good! Now, I'm waiting for SSC to announce the Hot Toys T-800 Endoskeleton!! It'll probably be freaking expensive, but well worth buying at least two of.
At first I wasn't to sure about keeping these figures, but I have to say, in the meantime, I like the Terminator line better than the LotR line. I feel that the final product from the LotR line is just to far away from the prototypes SSC has showed us (at least for Aragorn and Legolas). Hope they do a much better job on Boromir and Faramir.

SSC, bring on the ENDO's!!!
some close-up~!


the body be little-bid....~!:eek:
Great shots QQB, as usual! Sculpt is one of the best representations ever done IMO.

More pics please if/when you can bro! :D


As if the collector shots we've been seing didn't make him look fantastic already, this shots has sealed it for me, I am very very glad I didn't have to drop this line for budget, I grew up watching the Terminator films, they were some of the first action films I was allowed to see when I was younger and I wanted the T-800 and T-1000 the minute SSC offered them. Now they just need a John Connor and Battle Damaged T-800 and I'll be happy, with T2 figures anyway, there's still T1 and T3, but I want the grenade launcher and bandolier and the machine gun like some have taken from the HT figure to use.
MaulFan said:
QQB did you repaint it any or is that the factory paint?

He has to be doing some type of wash on them. Every pic he posts of figures has a brown wash on them like the've been eating chocolate all day.
He has to be doing some type of wash on them. Every pic he posts of figures has a brown wash on them like the've been eating chocolate all day.

I'm curious because some of the earlier pics posted by other members look very similar... :monkey1
Yeah, I just went back thru the thread and saw some of the pics I was referring to were QQB's too...

pics from other members looked a bit paler...
Well, I have no doubt from all of these pictures that this figure will be amazing even without the touch up.