For Worgar, a short helmet comparison.
Helmet 1 (aka Han Hero)
Biggest differences is the 2 teeth on each side of mouth and the brow is against the eyes. The brow moves up and down from scene to scene.
Helmet 2 (aka Luke Hero)
This is the most famous helmet that was worn by Luke during the "too short for a stormtrooper scene". This helmet is the same as the Han but is the most perfect helmet of the three. The brow on this helmet is against the eyes and never moves.
Helmet 3 The Stunt
This helmet is most famous from the "these are not the droids you're looking for" and "look sir droids" scenes.
This helmet has 3 teeth on each side and the 'sty" on his right eye. This helmet has a raised brow over the eyes.
This shot compares the 2 helmets with the Hero on the left and the Stunt on the right.
Again, I'm not arguing that the helmets differ so much from the SSC helmet, just that there are clearly 2 (3 if you are anal) helmet designs and they didn't go for either.