Too bad the scale is not. I also wonder if they will have the same paint issues as there previous statues?
The statue itself is pretty good, but the hammer is the business!
The hammer looks like it's the wrong size
You mean more Thor stuff like... this:
That Thor statue already looks better than Sideshows.
You know what the more that I look at this Thor. The more it kinda looks like a smaller scaled SS version without Thor looking up to the gods. But what I'm not for sure of is, does SS version have the inscription on the hammer?
All the koto statues do
You know what the more that I look at this Thor. The more it kinda looks like a smaller scaled SS version without Thor looking up to the gods. But what I'm not for sure of is, does SS version have the inscription on the hammer?
My Deadpool and Psylocke are flawless. And I'm a stickler for paint apps, I've paid reasonable money to have some of my other statues re-painted.
If the ES is the same as Beast this could get bloody on Thursday. Beast EX was set at 200.