Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to Waitlist and Buy Reg in 1st post.

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Re: Angel is coming

Why is everyone so fixated on having matching scale? If a piece is amazing and the sculpt is bad ass, why skip out just based on scale? Sounds a little OCD if you ask me.

Same reason why 4 chairs of different heights don't look as good in a dining table set. Same reason why a 1:6 scale bowen looks out of place next to a 1:4 scale PF.
Why you focused on having different scales, sounds a little OCD to me.
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Re: Angel is coming

:lecture :exactly:

Many of us are "fixated on having matching scale" because it simply makes our collection look better and more uniform. Unfortunately, the badassery of quality 1/4th overshadows any 1/5th scale displayed next to it.

While a statue's sculpt may be amazing and may 'look' cool by itself, the smaller size completely throws off the look of the entire display and, in my opinion, makes the display look unorganized. The ONLY exception to this rule is when someone is displaying a character collection like Averone's Ironman display.

This man is smart, learn from him or be a failure forever.

and why the faces on mount rushmore are all the same scale and there is not miniature statue next to statue of liberty.
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Re: Angel is coming

:lecture :exactly:

Many of us are "fixated on having matching scale" because it simply makes our collection look better and more uniform. Unfortunately, the badassery of quality 1/4th overshadows any 1/5th scale displayed next to it.

While a statue's sculpt may be amazing and may 'look' cool by itself, the smaller size completely throws off the look of the entire display and, in my opinion, makes the display look unorganized. The ONLY exception to this rule is when someone is displaying a character collection like Averone's Ironman display.


I agree completely. I would add another exception, buy both lines and display them seperately. Im getting both lines of X Men. I will keep my 1/4 seperate from the 1/5 line just as I keep my anime characters somewhere else or my Moore ladies, or AH DC Direct girls. Dont try to force something into a collection. If you cant afford it, or dont prefer it, then wait it out and "hope" they do what you want.
Well, I like the sculpt but not so interested in the character.sideshow has to release a real 1:4 comiquette since spidey,am I right??
Re: Angel is coming

I agree completely. I would add another exception, buy both lines (RESIST!) and display them seperately. Im getting both lines of X Men. :cuckoo: I will keep my 1/4 seperate from the 1/5 line just as I keep my anime characters somewhere else or my Moore ladies, or AH DC Direct girls. Dont try to force something into a collection.
I do this with my 1/4th and my Hot Toys 1/6th. I have a large, lighted glass-display cabinet that I keep my 1/4th PFs/Comiquettes in and my Hot Toys in a separate Detolf. In my opinion, the problem with 1/5th comiquettes is that they are not a separate medium, e.g. HT "dolls" vs statues, so they just don't look right when 1/4th are in eyeshot. Friends will check out the tailoring and such on the Hot Toys as well as the sculpts of the 1/4th.

I like Angel-alot-but I just can't support the 1/5th line. I tried to keep my Bowen displayed separate because I liked alot of them, but the 1/4s on the other side of the room just had a bigger/better I sold all my Bowen and bought DOOM! Sometimes less is alot more. :yess:
Re: Angel is coming

Why you focused on having different scales, sounds a little OCD to me.


Yeah. Me indiscriminately purchasing statues based on their value as art instead of scale is way more obsessive compulsive than skipping out for the sole reason of it not being exactly quarter scale. Thanks for the laugh :lol
Re: Angel is coming


Yeah. Me indiscriminately purchasing statues based on their value as art instead of scale is way more obsessive compulsive than skipping out for the sole reason of it not being exactly quarter scale. Thanks for the laugh :lol

Value as art only? OCD!
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Re: Angel is coming

I do tire of the 1/4 scale or fail mentality on these threads. Seems like the school yard bully attitude or the local click that degrades everyone who is different. I have seen alot of 1/4 scale fail from SS. Size is far from the only thing that matters. Collect what you like, Collect what looks good.
Re: Angel is coming

We understand that you are trying to justify that size does not matter...your 1/5th Colossus is still in stock and I am sure all your 1/5th friends will be impressed by him. :1-1: It's ok, we can't all be elite. The 1/4th crowd just recognizes that when you put a big, quality item next to something crappy and small, people understand that bigger is better.

Put a 1/5 scale next to a 1/4 statue and it looks way out of place. but hey if it is your thing you can get him to go with iron hiney faced colossus. Not everyone can keep up to the 1/4 AWESOMENESS!
Re: Angel is coming

If you guys don't like it, don't buy it. I don't think any of the X-Men comiquettes will be 1/4 scale so thats not a huge surprise. So long as they dont go around mixing 1/6 and 1/5. The Thanos Diorama is 1/6 ... I honestly dont know wot to think of the Colossus Comiquette. It looks small, but doing the math... 17" * 5 = 85 inches / 12 which is equal to 7'0. He is roughly that size in comics.

I expect Warren to be 22" with the base, and at least 30 inches long if his wings are spread. I'd be surprised if it's under $300.. but here is hoping. I've been waiting a while for this comiquette. I really hope Iceman isnt the odd one out (meaning he is 1/6 while everyone else is 1/5 or whatever.
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Re: Angel is coming


My 1/5 Hulk laughs at Colossus as well as your logic. 1/5, 1/4, 1/6 --who gives a ____ as long as it looks awesome? Keep following your fuhrer's orders though. Master scale or fail :panic:

I do tire of the 1/4 scale or fail mentality on these threads. Seems like the school yard bully attitude or the local click that degrades everyone who is different. I have seen alot of 1/4 scale fail from SS. Size is far from the only thing that matters. Collect what you like, Collect what looks good.

I agree completely. But sadly, your sensible remarks will fall on deaf ears, & blind eyes. :thud::dunno:slap