Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to Waitlist and Buy Reg in 1st post.

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Re: Angel is coming

and i think the size of this one, will make it very hard to display in a lot of collections.

One thing that I have learned in my 22 years of collecting. If something is released and it's a hot item. Collectors some how, some way will find a way to get this displayed within ones collections.
Re: Angel is coming

I'm still on the fence about this one. I keep thinking about waiting for archangel, but then check out the awesome wingspan and EX sculpt, and almost pull the trigger.

Actually, if I'm on the fence about something, I'm going to follow my own advice and just pass. All about it or not about it.

For some reason I think if this is going to be a hit. It's going to be after it's released and on shelves. The NRD & 500 ES, I think will be the biggest reason for them (Angel) still being in stock even after they are released. For some it might be to much guess work and not worth the risk of potentially losing $30. I like this piece, but I must say that after a few days of looking over this statue. I think I'll take my Dare Devil comiquette high road, and wait for it to be released first then buy or not after that.
Re: Angel is coming

I'll take my Dare Devil comiquette high road, and wait for it to be released first then buy or not after that.

It's getting harder and harder to do that with exclusives. Totally the way to go with regulars as you can wait and see if the piece is having major production problems, ect. With the ex, you really have to be choosy from order day especially with NRD and everything that brings, but that logic isn't completely sound; the ex is still up, and others are still in stock months after the product being released like Colossus. A well timed waitlist reservation submission seems to be the safest bet :lol
Re: Angel is coming

Cipriano wasn't involved with this piece? I could've sworn... Whatever, it's still a pass for me. Too stiff and not dynamic enough. Oh, and Archangel FTMFW!:winner


That koto piece is not anymore dynamic than this one

Less so in fact.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.


This will be one of those statues that I wouldn't be to worried about missing. If it was truly one of the potentially hot statues. This forum and the pre-ordering would reflect its potential, and as of right now this comiquette is recieving a luke warm reception. I'm pretty sure that this statue will sale out at some point, but I don't feel this is going to be a hit in the secondary market. To make a long story short, this is going to be a easy find after its release and for a good price...IMO of course...:)
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

This statue will be one of the difficult ones to get after it comes out, it will definitely catch the most attention wherever you display it especially if a lot of people see it. Forget about the size issue, it's 20" in height so even if it's still in 1/5 scale it won't look off next to others unless you look at the body size. The statue looks great but hopefully the production piece looks exactly like the prototype, same thing with Rogue.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

This statue will be one of the difficult ones to get after it comes out, it will definitely catch the most attention wherever you display it especially if a lot of people see it. Forget about the size issue, it's 20" in height so even if it's still in 1/5 scale it won't look off next to others unless you look at the body size. The statue looks great but hopefully the production piece looks exactly like the prototype, same thing with Rogue.

I fully agree with you and this statement, but first it's going to have to pass the in hand/comparison photos. But I don't think it's going to be that difficult to find once released, especially right after it's released.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

I give it a few months, unlike the Spider-Man comiquette. People dismiss it because of the size but I guarantee you that this statue will be the one where people go nuts for when they see it. Hopefully they don't do the same thing they did with Nightcrawler and screw up the blue coloring. Pretty sure now that Sideshow requires the deposit for most of these new statues that they will be more careful as to how they make these pieces in the factories.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

I'm pretty sure or at least some wishful thinking that this Angel comiquette will be taller than 20" overall. I personally could deal with it if it's 20" or better. Now if this is 18" or smaller, I will sadly have to pass...:(
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

If it's smaller than 20" Sideshow will have a lot of $30.00 refunding to do.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

If it's smaller than 20" Sideshow will have a lot of $30.00 refunding to do.

Bro' that's a great point and something that I never thought about. If it's not 20" at least then that's false advertisement, and you hit the nail on the head. Sideshow will be refund a lot of money if their "specs" are off now. Maybe NRDs' will be a good thing for us as collectors...:dunno

But then we will not know the actual height until after you had been charged. So, actually they will have to refund the full cost of the statue.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

Ya Sideshow's loss, in a way the deposits should at least give Sideshow more incentive to not have crappy painted pieces being shipped out to their customers. In a way Sideshow can make a lot of money on one single statue if there are a lot of cancellations, so what they did is really good for them. When they sell out the exclusive of this statue they will already have $15,000 of guaranteed money in their bank account so they don't have to worry about losses and having excess stock in their warehouses. It's not their faults that people like to order items that they know that they won't be able to afford in the future, it really hurt them.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

Probablly the edition size is to high, only time will tell. It seems that people are holding off on the comiquette line for now. The NRD also in essence covers some part of the production costs. Could sideshow possibly review the edition size or now because they have stated a number is it set in stone?
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

NO ES is set in stone when talking about Sideshow. I've seen them rise the ES, but I have never seen them drop the ES.

edit: I think the Magneto comiquette was one that had its ES dropped.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

500 is definitely too high for the exclusive, it should have been 300 with the regular being 700 or 800. I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't sell out for a long time.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

I think that 300 would have been a perfect ES for this comiquette. I'm sure once this gets closer to the release date we'll see the "Sold Out" tag.
Re: Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to buy in 1st post.

500 is definitely too high for the exclusive, it should have been 300 with the regular being 700 or 800. I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't sell out for a long time.

I agree, I really like this but have not ordered just yet. I dont know why, I guess all the 1/5 hating is starting to get to me and making me question all my 1/5 orders. I just wish they would have hit a homerun with Colossus, started off on a good note.