Super Freak
They better
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Hi there people.
Any of you, nice and savvy, could provide with a sweet sharp short summary of any conclusions, tips, tricks, flaws (and their fixes) concerning this particular figure.
It is 250 pages. Difficult to wade through all of them to gleam that info.
Thanks to you, helpful ones!
Honestly the only complaints I’ve seen have been a slightly loose body here and there and the lack of robe and accessories. I have one, and I love it. The base body is not hot toys quality of course, but you can still get him in great poses and he looks amazing on the shelf.
I have no doubt Hot Toys will top it when and if they get around to him though.
Hi there people.
Any of you, nice and savvy, could provide with a sweet sharp short summary of any conclusions, tips, tricks, flaws (and their fixes) concerning this particular figure.
It is 250 pages. Difficult to wade through all of them to gleam that info.
Thanks to you, helpful ones!
Hi guys.
I own this sucker. Gonna take it out of the box. Any tips? Flaws and fixes? Cool customizations? Anything to look out for?
Thanks to you all helping people.
PS: just how much proof is there for a HT Scout Trooper being released any time soon?? I've seen the comments here, but nothing else anywhere else...!
Hi people.
Hi own this guy. Gonna take it out of the box for the 1st time.
Can any of you guys who have been here since the beginning, provide a summary of flaws, fixes, tips, tricks, customizations, etc?
Especially, there is the boots problem. Any idea how to best fix it so that the boots look realistic?
Hey dudes!
I have bought this lady.
Can't read the whole thread, so I am wondering whether any of you could provide me with a summary of issues, fixes, tips, tricks, cautions, improvements, customizations, insights, etc that might had been conceived by the community in here.
Thanks fly to you, helpful buddies!
Have a nice one.
Hi dudes.
I am about to take this guy out of his box for the 1st time.
Can't go through 400 pages of posts.
Can any of you who have been here since the beginning, draw some sort of summary of the findinds, issues, fixes, tips, tricks, accuracy improvements and/or popular customizations for these Jawa figures?
Thanks to all of you, helpful ones!
Hi dudes.
I am about to take these little fellas out of their box for the 1st time.
Can't go through 200 pages of posts.
Can any of you who have been here since the beginning, draw some sort of summary of the findinds, issues, fixes, tips, tricks, accuracy improvements and/or popular customizations for these Jawa figures?
Thanks to all of you, helpful ones!
Hi people. I got this figure.
Can any of you write down a summary of issues/fixes, tips/tricks regarding this ACI Ringwraith figure?
I am just trying to avoid having to read the whole thread… :-(
Thanks to anyone willing to help!
So guys, anyone capable of summarizing 363 pages into a list of trip and tricks, problems and fixes about this particular figure?
I take it that the robe has to be washed with detergent, and the 2 indents on the face are screen-accurate, but anything else?
That staining problema on the hand, has it been confirmed by many people? If affirmative, how come, if hands come wrapped?
Thanks to those helping,
Thanks everybody for your contributions.
I am going to bite the bullet on this one.
Anyway, does anyone have anything else to say? Articulations OK? Paintwork issues?
Thanks everybody for your nice contributions. I am buying this sucker.
Anyway, anyone remembers anything else?
So you want people to engage with you for some reason, but don't want to have to wade through several pages of a thread. What is it you are looking for from this forum?
Reading through the threads, seeing what people have to say is THE WHOLE POINT of a forum.
Just read the threads. If there's a specific thing you want to hear about, ask about that.
Also, are you getting any of the figures you are asking about?
Haha, wow! Lazy... well, I could need a bunch of secretaries as well.
It just seems like all he does is post asking people to post info for him that he could get easily by reading the threads. We all have to do it.
To begin with, the idea of relevant information being scattered across thousands of posts is not that optimal, after all. On top of that, there is an important percentage of posts that deviate or contain non relevant data, and wading through them becomes particularly tiresome. It is no "easy" task, as some of you state, and I don't conceive it to be any "fun" or "valuable" part of the hobby. Not at all. My not being willing to do it can hardly be described as "lazyness". I'd rather label it as common sense.
No-one would ever refuse to help, but you yourself have been copy/pasting those posts.
Don't get me wrong. I don't care if you do, but there has seldom actually been a question in there. It's some generic "Anything to look out for? Any tips or tricks?" type of posts.
If you were a fan of the subject matter, you will know when you open those figures if they need improvement.
And if they look fine, you just display them. If you see something you want to improve, you undertake that, or seek out someone else who can.
Don't be trying to act as though i was mean to you. It just seems like most times you post, it's that same thing.
All any of us does here is read what others post, glean info from said posts, apply any tips/tricks/modifications to our own figures, and then display them in our own way.
This hobby, despite us all collecting 12" dollies, is intensely personal to the individual. Each collection(And indeed, each collector), is unique, and reflects the collector him or herself.
Let your collection be about you. About your personal interests and most cherished movies and characters.
And feel free to post pics of those figures you mentioned that you are taking out the box. This forum is all about posting cool pics.
Hi fellas,
I can't read through 2million posts in the thread
but is Darth Maul from Star Trek?
Hi fellas,
I can't read through 2million posts in the thread
but is Darth Maul from Star Trek?
To begin with, the idea of relevant information being scattered across thousands of posts is not that optimal, after all. On top of that, there is an important percentage of posts that deviate or contain non relevant data, and wading through them becomes particularly tiresome. It is no "easy" task, as some of you state, and I don't conceive it to be any "fun" or "valuable" part of the hobby. Not at all. My not being willing to do it can hardly be described as "lazyness". I'd rather label it as common sense.
Secondly, there is good will. The good will that leads you to "communicate with others" to provide, quickly and effortlessly, information that you already have. Maybe because you have been around since longer than others, or because you became interested in the topic before others did, or just because the topic was so relevant to you that you took on the chore of gleaming important data out of thousands and thousands of posts.
Thirdly there is ill will. The ill will that makes you enjoy forcing other people to go through the pain you might have gone through once, instead of willing to spare it to others. I for one, if ever asked for a summary of a thread I had been following for a while, would quickly and easily provide it, instead of crushing the guy asking. But hey, what do I know?
Username, you have done an admirable read-copy-paste job there. Good for you. Thanks for your time and effort. It has indeed been a huge contribution.
Last but no least: I am not asking anybody to do any terrible amount of work at all, as some of you try to make me look like. I ask people to do something they can do easily and quickly, and in so doing they spare me a hell of a chore. In fact, some guys out there have obliged, the Gods bless'em. And if any of you guys consider that your reading thousands of posts is something everybody must go through, you can just ignore my request. No hard feelings. I won't blame you (neither applaud you).
Again, I'd like to use this happy occasion to say THANK YOU to the helpful people who have been answering my questions, on this and all the other threads. I hope I'll be able to do the same for others, when the time come.
wait for Hot Toys version, it is definitely coming at some points from 1 to..10 years
I hope the Maul comes sooner rather than later, even if it’s the other version. I’ll take both, pretty much anything Maul and HT would be a win win in my book.
But I will vehemently disagree with you and say the HT Jedi Luke is far superior than the one SSC will release. If I end up being wrong, then I’m wrong. But with SSC’s history of how their production models turn out, I have zero faith in their ability to pull their Jedi Luke off successfully. Plus the headsculpt in my opinion just looks like a caricature. But that’s all my opinion.