Sideshow Darth Maul Sixth Scale Figure

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The only way to get them to listen is to vote with your wallet and NOT preorder until they add the things you want or you are only helping continue this insanity. Don't worry, no figure sells out before release anymore anyway. Of course though it's your money and your choice, just saying if you want it change then don't order now.

I like Maul a lot, despite not loving Ep.1, and Im STILL on the market for a good Maul. So the fact that I wont be buying this... Im doing my part at least to show them this is severely overpriced.

Same price I paid for my Joker 2.0... which came with a FEW items. A few being VERY sarcastic. It was stacked to the 9's, and was like $10 more than this. No way could anyone justify this price for what you are getting.
Loving the look, but not impressed by a lack of clock or stand. I'm afraid it's a pass. As others have said, i've paid the same price for figures with way more items. A real screw up by SS on this one.
I know it was years ago already but the original was less that's a 1/4 of the price. $54.99 to $239. Over 400% increase in price... Freaking crazy...

Giod luck to all the I mean, I mean collectors who purchase this .....
And the original Sideshow figure did include everything needed for a Desert or Naboo version and since the blades were fixed he came with a lot of hilts, I think the exclusive was 5 total hilt/blade variations :lol And the binoculars, gloved hand with the remote as well as the outer robes.

I assume they call it the Naboo version to justify leaving out some of the accessories, but the robe is very iconic and key to the beginning of the Naboo duel. Sideshow has really phoned it in on this one, Maul and X-Wing Luke are both figures I was looking forward to but I'll now likely pass on both due to the cost being so far out of line with what the figures come with and what the end quality will probably be.

Agreed and that's what has continuously made me stop my SW collecting from Sideshow. All the sideshow pieces I have gotten lately have been from eBay at the prices I had would like to pay thankfully. Sure, I have to wait a little extra for someone to get tired of their figure but that's fine with me :lol
Loving the look, but not impressed by a lack of clock or stand. I'm afraid it's a pass. As others have said, i've paid the same price for figures with way more items. A real screw up by SS on this one.

Definitely should have included his clock.


Edit: Found a better one. :)
Look I don't collect mass produced figures. I collect custom figures that are way more expensive. I decided to grab some Star Wars figures as its one of my favorite films. I wanted Darth Maul and if that's all they will offer of him I'll take it. I'm not worried about a cloak or stand whatever. I'll add those later on. As soon as I'm done picking up Star Wars figures I'm done with it and going back to custom figures. Maybe that is why I didn't care about the price. $239 is cheap for a figure with not many accessories compared to a $1000 figure from Beto, Rainman or Cult King and some of them did not come with a lot of accessories either. So guys please don't give me crap for what choices I make. Not into arguing about this nor will I let you make me feel bad. I collect WHAT I want to collect.
I didn't care about this or that. He really looks great and the likeness of Ray Park is there. You guys can crucify me all you want. I don't order a lot of stuff from SS though. I agree their prices are ridiculous but it is what it is.

When you get it... this will be your reaction.

Look I don't collect mass produced figures. I collect custom figures that are way more expensive. I decided to grab some Star Wars figures as its one of my favorite films. I wanted Darth Maul and if that's all they will offer of him I'll take it. I'm not worried about a cloak or stand whatever. I'll add those later on. As soon as I'm done picking up Star Wars figures I'm done with it and going back to custom figures. Maybe that is why I didn't care about the price. $239 is cheap for a figure with not many accessories compared to a $1000 figure from Beto, Rainman or Cult King and some of them did not come with a lot of accessories either. So guys please don't give me crap for what choices I make. Not into arguing about this nor will I let you make me feel bad. I collect WHAT I want to collect.
That's cool man. Don't let trolling bother you. To each their own.
Hoping sideshow goes back and rethinks this before they release it and ads a stand, robe and some other extra to it if not be a easy cancel for me. I pre order it just in case but i have the orginal. will think again closer to release and hopefully sideshow hears the fans and updates it with robe, stand and more accessories. if not will be first star wars figure from sideshow i will cancel and not get.

They wont, because that would set precedent, then all we need to do is ***** and they bow. What would be way more effective is to simply not buy it
$240 is cheap for a figure with not many accessories compared to a $1000 figure from Beto, Rainman or Cult King
50 figures made by one or several artists =/= 5000 licensed factory produced figures.

So guys please don't give me crap for what choices I make.
Not into arguing about this nor will I let you make me feel bad.
I collect WHAT I want.
Look I don't collect mass produced figures...
I was having a laugh at the poor reception the figure's getting and not you for buying it, amstel. Sure that's the same for DiFabio and whomever else commented, so not meant in any way to insult, just to be clear.
Don't let 'em get to you, Amstel. You ain't the only person buying this, and I wouldn't mijd dropping the coin if it included more, even with the chance that SSC pulls their usual **** and doesn't give you a product that looks like proto pics. Again, I think this figure looks superior to original release, but no cloak and stand alone for that price are just insane. But if you feel it's worth it, that's all that matters.
Don't let 'em get to you, Amstel. You ain't the only person buying this, and I wouldn't mijd dropping the coin if it included more, even with the chance that SSC pulls their usual **** and doesn't give you a product that looks like proto pics. Again, I think this figure looks superior to original release, but no cloak and stand alone for that price are just insane. But if you feel it's worth it, that's all that matters.

That's cool man. Don't let trolling bother you. To each their own.

I was having a laugh at the poor reception the figure's getting and not you for buying it, amstel. Sure that's the same for DiFabio and whomever else commented, so not meant in any way to insult, just to be clear.

Don't let 'em get to you, Amstel. You ain't the only person buying this, and I wouldn't mijd dropping the coin if it included more, even with the chance that SSC pulls their usual **** and doesn't give you a product that looks like proto pics. Again, I think this figure looks superior to original release, but no cloak and stand alone for that price are just insane. But if you feel it's worth it, that's all that matters.

Thanks guys. That's all I want to hear. [emoji106]🏻

This is how it is..."to each their own".
I have so many hobbies and money is usually tightish that i have to really pick and choose what i buy. I really like Maul, but in the end $240 is too much for a character from a trilogy i don't even like....especially him being that bare bones. To each their own though.