No I do not. The body I would assume is the exact same as the Deluxe.
What type of custom are you going for?
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Do the new Vaders hands fit nicely on the Deluxe Vader?
Also my question.
I ported mine over to a HT muscle body, and custom cape, but man, do those belt grabbing hands look good.
Also, is it stupid tall like their previous ESB version?
The new gloves work with the old Vader and yes the Vader is still as tall (which I personally love).
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Awesome. Thanks. Just picked up a new set of hands for my deluxe.
Where did you find the hands? Ebay?
I got my bodysuit in a few days ago, but haven't had time to put it on my custom or properly compare to the HT suit, yet. Will start during the weekend, and take some comparison pictures.
Look forward to your impressions, I've been considering grabbing one of these too. What body are you putting it on to?
It looks pretty good in hand, but when it's actually on the figure will be the final test. The pants are a separate piece as is the vest, so it's now three pieces. The vest closes with a zipper in the back, which might make it more difficult to get a tighter fit if needed.
For the body, I'm using the SSC DX, heavily dremeled and with a new midsection to shorten him. I think it's probably the weakest part of my custom, I'll see if I go another route, depending what he looks like with the new suit. Don't really want to put more money into him, but if I feel it's necessary, I will.
Here's a shot before I modified it some more (and with the old SSC clown feet).
So I just got my figure in and I want to remove the outfit to adjust everything and redress. I wanted to ask if you're able to zip up the vest. The reason I ask is that it looks like it can't be undone unless you remove the clip at the bottom of the zipper. I figured I better ask someone before I ruin it.I got my bodysuit in a few days ago, but haven't had time to put it on my custom or properly compare to the HT suit, yet. Will start during the weekend, and take some comparison pictures.
So I just got my figure in and I want to remove the outfit to adjust everything and redress. I wanted to ask if you're able to zip up the vest. The reason I ask is that it looks like it can't be undone unless you remove the clip at the bottom of the zipper. I figured I better ask someone before I ruin it.