ESB is the only way to display it, period.
Orrrr buy two, like I did.
ESB is the only way to display it, period.
Orrrr buy two, like I did.
Well said, Khev. Totally agree with this POV.I have yet to preorder this and with my ESB focus of SW figures including nothing more than HT Luke, SSC Yoda, and SSC Fett, ESB Vader would seemingly be a no-brainer but when I think about it I just feel I "need" to get him to round out the line-up. He's Darth Vader after all. But for the price I just don't pour over the pics marveling at the awesomeness of the figure like I've done for days now with the new Robocop and ED-209.
The same thing happened when ANH Vader was up and I ended up passing on him. I really have been shying away from forking over the cash for "pretty good" figures "just because." I end up having holes in my collection but I prefer to gush over the figures I have, not spend hundreds on placeholder figures because its still technically the "best" on the market.
I'd love a decent Bespin Han but that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm going to go hunt down SSC's old monstrosity just because its the "best."
Hasbro has been time tested with SW... they've done a pretty impressive job of keeping the toys stocked in stores even though the last movie came out close nearly a decade ago. I have a feeling the license will stay with them for the long haul.
Same with Sideshow, while not every figure has been a home run, they've sold well and continue to be a popular series. I honestly don't think HT has much interest in pursuing the license on their own... if they did I think they'd have had more than 1 release (an not a single WIP image) since they first announced the DX07.
its Howard Chans most sought after license...
well they basically got Sub contracted by Sideshow to do it, in the latest interview with osr he states that their still working on doing more. Problem is Sideshow is being lent the rights from hasbro so its probably a whole lot of paper work and BS to get it doneThat's surprising then since they've let it grow cold since Luke was announced and released. Don't get me wrong, Luke was awesome... the nailed it. But at best if a figure is announced at SDCC it will be another year before it's in our hands.
Really? Someone better not tell Ironman. He's bound to get jealous.
Hes had his day..
Have a game of darts, wear a blindfold and spin around a few times then chuck that dart. That accurate.
Or just add some months to the date.
Have a game of darts, wear a blindfold and spin around a few times then chuck that dart. That accurate.
Or just add some months to the date.
This is the first thing I've ever pre ordered from sideshow.
How often are their estimated ship times accurate?
What do you guys think will turn out being the best Vader? This or the Medicom version 2.0? Both will cost around the same for me so..
Never been a fan of medicom's Vaders. I preordered SSC's due to the accessories, size, etc