Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Found this on another forum. Don't know how accurate it is, so just throwing it out there. According to this, the figure should be around 13.667".
So the ANH Vader was released around 2009? I wonder if we'll get another one in 5 years. I'm debating on whether to pick another one up as I would like to display him unmasked. Must resist!
Someone else put this beautifully last month. David Prowse's "specs" are a starting point, but David Prowse is not Darth Vader. No more than Martin Freeman or Elijah Wood are Hobbits.
Yeah, but it says dressed. Whether that is in suit, or in street clothes, I am not sure. If street clothes, you probably could add another inch or two to that height. Putting him in Vader suit to be almost 7 ft. (~14" in 1/6 scale) You mentioned earlier that how he looks on screen is how you want him, well, I think that how tall he was is how tall we should be making him in sixth scale. Now it might make a whole new problem of Boba and the Stormies not being tall enough. :lol
Look, it's plain as day that Vader was not 7 foot tall in the movies, and it's a well known fact that Prowse's height in many publications, and from the man himself has always been exaggerated. If you don't know how tall Vader is supposed to be, knock yourself out with the forensic analysis, but I consider myself somewhat of an expert in design and scale, thanks. I've got a handle on it already.

You might want to look into the height of the boxes that some people around Vader apparently stood on, obviously to make Vader look shorter in certain scenes.
Oh, I didn't know you were an expert. What is your degree in?

Sorry to come off as an a**, but I am trying to contribute and say that it is a good figure and trying my best to be civil. All while you are essentially saying my points and some of the details of the figure are worthless *****. It can also put to rest for some people on the fence on whether to shorten the figure or not. Any exaggeration aside, Vader was still a tall person, and I don't think he is too tall and looks perfect along side any of my other figures. Your constant berating of the figure's height and the attention to the figure's prop details has just upset me a bit, and the best way I can think of putting up an argument is facts and logic.

If you want to shorten the figure, that's fine, but I do ask you to stop saying that the figure looks bad because it doesn't fit in the way you personally view the character.
Oh, I didn't know you were an expert. What is your degree in?

Sorry to come off as an a**, but I am trying to contribute and say that it is a good figure and trying my best to be civil. All while you are essentially saying my points and some of the details of the figure are worthless *****. It can also put to rest for some people on the fence on whether to shorten the figure or not. Any exaggeration aside, Vader was still a tall person, and I don't think he is too tall and looks perfect along side any of my other figures. Your constant berating of the figure's height and the attention to the figure's prop details has just upset me a bit, and the best way I can think of putting up an argument is facts and logic.

If you want to shorten the figure, that's fine, but I do ask you to stop saying that the figure looks bad because it doesn't fit in the way you personally view the character.

I agree! Height by no means detracts from the quality of this figure. His movie height even seems inconsistent at times..... There really is no perfect answer.
See that's my point. You're writing from an upset point and it's coming across loud and clear. It's also like you're trying to convince me of something when I already told you point blank that you won't change my preference. I respect people's opinions and rights to have and express them. My values don't have to be the same as yours. When you realize that maybe you can calm down and your posts won't be so abrasive.
I only meant for the last one to come off as abrasive. I have been trying to put to point however that Sideshow made the figure with facts, not opinion in mind. As you said, it is your opinion, and opinions are different from person to person. The reason my posts may be long and rambling full of details (and so, might come off as abrasive) is because I am a scientist in training, and am used to writing all the facts I find to explain what I have discovered and to explain my reasoning fully as to not be misinterpreted.

I enjoy these movies, and you must enjoy them as well. When someone enjoys something, they invariably have an opinion about it, either based on truths or facts. I understand it is your opinion, and do respect it. But you have left little evidence to show that you respect my opinion.

Just don't phrase things like "I hate props" or "I can't even bear to have him displayed on one of my shelves yet... putting him on any of (my shelves) would make him the low point. He would be a glaring sore-spot in that one cabinet." That is abrasive. :panic:
The boxes weren't to make him shorter, but for a better cinematic frame. Despite all the talk of height I don't think darth was as tall as your ego.
Some people just can't respect that some people care about different things and may want to do things a certain way.

Confidence, experience and preparedness are not to be confused with ego. I've never so much as insinuated I'm better at anything than anyone else, but that I have the experience and ability to do what's right for me. Ymmv

With regards to height discussions just go watch the movies. I've already posted up all the relevant screen grabs I intend to, including some of the ones I'm using for reference for my own display.

With regards to sideshow getting it right... Their products are created by artists and in this case, even though they've created a good figure with decent proportions, just like in 2009 they simply botched the overall scale. Keep it as is if you want or correct it if you want.
Thanks to a kind member's PM, I was able to clean out the remaining gripping Vader (right) hands from Toy Anxiety's new part-out. I also nabbed a few extra Snow trooper gloves, but I still need another few more to complete an entire second set (intended for a non-SW custom).