Another thing that kind of pushes Vader away from regal is the beginning of Jedi; Jerjerrod had set up the large welcome with dozens of officers and troopers. Vader then brushes off Jerjerrod's welcome: "You may dispense with the pleasantries, commander. I am here to put you back on schedule." The way I see it, he is basically just following the Emperor's orders to get this machine of war together, and is rather irritated that they spend time setting up this elaborate and ornate welcome.
Another thing that the Special Edition ruins: in Empire, after Luke jumps, you originally see Vader walking down a corridor demanding his shuttle to be ready for him. In the Special Edition, he orders the star destroyer to be prepared for his arrival, then show the exact same scene from Jedi (from another angle) of his shuttle arriving to pomp and circumstance. In my mind, destroying his goal driven character of relentless domination.