Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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The only good thing to come from TPM was Duel of Fates by John Williams.

Sent from atop my Dewback

Qui-Gon, Maul and the Light Sabre Battle. Coruscant was pretty good too as were the yellow naboo fighters. That's pretty much it though.
I like Qui-Gon. Would have been cool if his character went all Neeson on Maul; grabbing him by the throat and start wailing on his face. ^^
I actually really liked TPM, sure the OT is never going to be topped but I enjoyed TPM on first viewing and do so now.
Yep. You can analyze these movies all you want. Truth is, they were all a good time at the theater.

Part of TPM problem was that it was never going to live up to the hype and then it ran into trouble post release because of that and also because of the overly use of CGI, killing off Darth Maul, Jar Jar, baby Darth Vader, midi-chlorians etc.

But it was still an enjoyable movie I feel.
The root of all the problems with every SW prequel can be summed up in two words: George Lucas.

You know those people you hear about who have problems with plastic surgery, getting ugly procedure after ugly procedure? That's called going George Lucas.

Burning books or defacing art? Pulling a George Lucas.

Defecating in the toilet tank? Yeah, it USED to be called an upper decker, now it's a George Lucas.
The root of all the problems with every SW prequel can be summed up in two words: George Lucas.

Yeah that as well.

But he did do a good job with Palpatine (I do acknowledge that some people felt he was OTT) but personally I loved him in the PT mind you I am slightly biased when it comes to Palpatine.
The root of all the problems with every SW prequel can be summed up in two words: George Lucas.

You know those people you hear about who have problems with plastic surgery, getting ugly procedure after ugly procedure? That's called going George Lucas.

Burning books or defacing art? Pulling a George Lucas.

Defecating in the toilet tank? Yeah, it USED to be called an upper decker, now it's a George Lucas.

Best.Post.Ever. :rock:rock
But he did do a good job with Palpatine ...

No... Nooooooooooooooooooo!


Yeah but that scene was cushioned from being a laughing stock with Vader's Nooooooooooooooooooo!

Cushioned? It is cringe worthy. Sorry. The whole scene is rushed and awkward and devoid of emotion. Hooded Palpatine post-messed-up-face looks good in some shots when he's babbling about "civil war without end", but Palpatine went down the same crapper as everyone else. The pivotal scene of the Prequels -- how Vader became Vader -- is simply pushed aside to get to more differently colored clones and toy options.

He redeemed himself only later when to turns and says: Master Yoda.... you're alive.
Cushioned? It is cringe worthy. Sorry. The whole scene is rushed and awkward and devoid of emotion. Hooded Palpatine post-messed-up-face looks good in some shots when he's babbling about "civil war without end", but Palpatine went down the same crapper as everyone else.

He redeemed himself only later when to turns and says: Master Yoda.... you're alive.

Like I said previously I can see why people thought he was OTT and I do much prefer how Palpatine was in ROTJ but that being the case I'm not going to **** all over him in the PT because of that as I really enjoyed Ian's performance in all three PT movies.

In regards to that scene YES it was hammy and Hayden really was lacking in that scene, I wanted Anakin lusting for power and not sulking on his knees but with Palpatine going over the top with Nooooooooooo I just accepted it and if the writing was poor then Ian may as well have made it OTT but Palpatine, Ian's performance was the stand out stuff that came out of the PT.
The root of all the problems with every SW prequel can be summed up in two words: George Lucas.

You know those people you hear about who have problems with plastic surgery, getting ugly procedure after ugly procedure? That's called going George Lucas.

Burning books or defacing art? Pulling a George Lucas.

Defecating in the toilet tank? Yeah, it USED to be called an upper decker, now it's a George Lucas.

Haha, pretty much this.

People like to use CGI as some sort of scapegoat, but CGI is nothing more than a tool, the problem begins and ends with Lucas. The films being full of special effects would not have been an issue if the story and characters were any good. Lucas is a good idea man, but he should have left the scripts and directing, pretty much everything else, to someone capable.