Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Personally with the height issue it would bother me more to have a shorter figure with oversized boots, gloves etc then to put up with the extra height, though rotj Vaders helmet would look more proportionate on the shorter
Personally with the height issue it would bother me more to have a shorter figure with oversized boots, gloves etc then to put up with the extra height, though rotj Vaders helmet would look more proportionate on the shorter

Great point. I hadn't thought of that but from what I've seen done in the mid thread the shortened ones aren't glaringly terrible. Maybe I'll take another look with this in mind. Thanks!
Oh my god, that enormous gloves remind me to this!!:horror

HEHEH good one !!. The gloves issues isn't as bad once you put on the 2009 suit . the prop gloves are fairly large too and flare out a lot . They are shorter for ESB but larger for ROTJ . its interesting how the Hot Toys one has separate hands from the top section of the glove which is leather. They probably wrestled with the big glove issue too.
I think the HT glove contraption looks horrible but everyone seems hung up on the sculpt. Those gloves are less forgivable.
Personally with the height issue it would bother me more to have a shorter figure with oversized boots, gloves etc then to put up with the extra height, though rotj Vaders helmet would look more proportionate on the shorter

This is something people need to know - I've seen a lot of shortened Vaders that look great at first glance, but when you look a little closer, you see the boots are well past the knees, gloves looking odd on the shorter arms etc. You hardly see the suit. The parts are scaled for the taller height, and it matters when you're shortening the figure by an inch or so. And this is also going to be an issue with the HT Vader as well.
This is something people need to know - I've seen a lot of shortened Vaders that look great at first glance, but when you look a little closer, you see the boots are well past the knees, gloves looking odd on the shorter arms etc. You hardly see the suit. The parts are scaled for the taller height, and it matters when you're shortening the figure by an inch or so. And this is also going to be an issue with the HT Vader as well.

I've also seen some where the body has been bulked up so much to eradicate the wrinkles that the suit is overly tight.

I've also seen some where the body has been bulked up so much to eradicate the wrinkles that the suit is overly tight.


This is exactly what I mean. Where the parts are scaled such that it matters if you're short an inch or so.
I'm having problems with my sideshow deluxe darth vader.

It seems as thought he can't stand straight, and that he leans to the left. I took a closer look and I can't seem to work it out, the material on the left leg is looser, causing the suit to bunch up more when putting on the leg armor, however, on the right leg, where the material is tighter and has less bunching, the armor doesn't seem to go up as far as the leg armor on the left does, meaning that he ends up leaning towards the left....

I hope that made sense :p what can I do?

If that didn't make sense: Darth Vaders left leg is shorter than his right, what's the deal? Anyone else have this peobem?
It may be that the right leg is out of its socket and needs to be reconnected. Since it appears the right leg is longer, try pushing the top part of the leg up into the hip joint more securely. Not sure if that will do it, but worth a shot.
Just remove all the clothing, verify the body is OK and then put everything back on. It's easy to do and there's really no way to cause one side to be longer than the other if you start at the beginning like this.

Thanks for the advice, I haven't had a chance to look at him again yet but I'll let you guys know the outcome.

Although, it does seem weird to me how the material on the suit is looser on one leg than it is the other, like it wasn't put on tight enough or something, is this normal? Could it be effecting anything?
This is something people need to know - I've seen a lot of shortened Vaders that look great at first glance, but when you look a little closer, you see the boots are well past the knees, gloves looking odd on the shorter arms etc. You hardly see the suit. The parts are scaled for the taller height, and it matters when you're shortening the figure by an inch or so. And this is also going to be an issue with the HT Vader as well.

Most pictures of the unmodded (Deluxe) Vaders have the robes and cape positioned so you can't see the terrible suit and skinny arms anyway so there isn't that much difference in display options. That and a head turned way up looking at the ceiling so that the dome doesn't look as awkward as it really is.

The HT Vader being too tall has to rank high among the dumbest things ever. This is the sixth Vader in 1/6 (three different Medicoms and two SSC) and still no one has managed to make a figure that's really in 1/6 scale. :slap
Now the Medis might look like midgets and the Sideshows like giants while the HT actually seems pretty good proportion wise but still a big dissapointment.
Most pictures of the unmodded (Deluxe) Vaders have the robes and cape positioned so you can't see the terrible suit and skinny arms anyway so there isn't that much difference in display options. That and a head turned way up looking at the ceiling so that the dome doesn't look as awkward as it really is.

Yeah as much as I love mine it is awfully tricky trying to find a good pose for it. Hell, even the Sideshow photographers, who are usually really good at making things look much cooler than they are, had difficulty with it in their preview pics.
Just picked up the EX on eBay. Finally Vader will be in my collection, wonky looking dome, big hands, fugly suit, chunky saber all while standing to tall in my Detolf. I can't wait:yess:
Ya, this really is a great figure, considering the minimal changes needed to really make it an amazing representation of Vader. Still not perfect, but pretty damn good.
For me, it all comes down to which look I prefer: ANH or ESB or RoTJ (I'm not really counting ROTS). Although I saw ANH in the theatres when it came out, I was still a little too young to understand the different themes and really appreciate the characters. But when ESB came out, it had such an impact, and the ESB version of Vader was my favourite. Powerful, menacing, and cold-blooded. So even if the HT version and the deluxe SSC version came out at the exact same time, I still would have gone with the SSC version, if only for the fact that it represents ESB/ROTJ (helmet/mask, chestbox, robes).
This is mine, with SSC Boba, pre-mods...