Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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About how often do new codes come along? Is it usually just a once a month kind of thing? Or a holiday thing?

There's normally 1 per month. The "NEWYEAR15" code is good till tonight 12:00am PT. They'll probably be another one good for the rest of January, but that's just a guess on my part.
Vader has been a big miss in my collection. After weighing out everything I decided to go with this over the Hot Toys. Much more bang for the buck and the reviews sound very favorable.
Vader has been a big miss in my collection. After weighing out everything I decided to go with this over the Hot Toys. Much more bang for the buck and the reviews sound very favorable.

With a little futzing this is a great figure. Surprisingly good value nowadays.
With a little futzing this is a great figure. Surprisingly good value nowadays.

Yeah, who would have thought $250 for a figure would seem like great value.:slap:lol

Even the Tauntaun is looking like a steal.
Considering how disappointed I am with HT's, and seeing King's excellent modded ESB Vader, I'm starting to consider getting this one instead of waiting on HT's ESB Vader.

Here's King's Vader:

I was surprised how happy I was with Vader stock out of the box (given all the criticisms), but with slight modifications it is even better. That said, I am in the process of paring down what I have to make room for what is coming, so will be selling my Ex for $200.00 US, if there are any Canucks interested (shipping doesn't make it worthwhile for US Freaks, I don't think). Couple things that should be reviewed but PM me if interested. I won't mention it again, as I hate seeing the reg threads bumped with posts like this, but there have been so many people commenting now that they're in the market for one that I figured I should advise.
That is a great looking Vader. And it's amazing how much difference a simple, natural pose like that can really make to the figure.

I tried a similar kind of thing with mine (for those who didn't see it in the mod thread):

IMAG2287 (467x800).jpg
Considering how disappointed I am with HT's, and seeing King's excellent modded ESB Vader, I'm starting to consider getting this one instead of waiting on HT's ESB Vader.

I am completely with you. I have just been looking through this thread and looking at what mods can be done. with the HT one coming out now, theres potentially a chance to get a good deal on a vader as people look to trade up to the hot toys. I'm not fussed about sounds or a light up lightsaber, and with a few modifications the sideshow ones can look just as good. Theres a few good deals I'm watching on the ebay at the moment!
Can anyone who has the ESB/ROTJ figure confirm if the robes can be rearranged to be like the original ANH version, with the robes over the chest armour?
I've taken mine apart a few times, and looks like it should be possible. The only problem is the armor is thicker and sits a bit higher, which means the robes will be pulled up higher off the ground as well (and they already seem a tad bit short to me as it is).
Considering how disappointed I am with HT's, and seeing King's excellent modded ESB Vader, I'm starting to consider getting this one instead of waiting on HT's ESB Vader.

Here's King's Vader:

Wow, the cape hangs so natural! Are those the iforigno cape and robe?

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Wow, the cape hangs so natural! Are those the iforigno cape and robe?

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Yeah, that is iforigno's robe/cape. They are $70 a set I think.

Is there a reason why the SSC ANH body has a SSC ESB head?