Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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The face and the helmet look like crap.

Happy to stick with the modded old one - FARRRRR better IMO.
The dome is way off, AGAIN! Thats frustrating cause it tells me Sideshow is either not paying attention, not listening to fans, or just plain doing what they want anyway without disregard to truly topping their last effort. ANH Vader had serious issues

This hybrid version appears to have almost the same issues
Looks great to me... I can see quite a few differences and overall he just seems to have a bit more presence than the first release.
Damn. I've been meaning to sell my ANH Vader for months. Waited too long. :(
You'll still get a good amount for him... not everyone who buys these figures pays attention to release schedules like we do. I was worried when i sold my custom IG-88 and Bossk (both right after the first teasers confirmed they were coming) and both sold really well.

But I would not wait too much longer as the price will definitley dip once we get confirmed prices and specs.
Does his belt light up or is that just the flash?

Can't wait to have him either way, standing with the Bounty Hunters on the bridge!
love this thing! glad I don't know much about Vader's suit or anything so I have nothing to gripe about :lol can't wait to own my first Vader! :panic:
Here you are guys. Another lousy, distorted, blurry pic from the front!


That's rather rude, considering the show hasn't really started and people posting pictures are doing us a favor.

Didn't mean to be rude, was kinda tongue-in-cheek... guess I should've put a smiling monkey.
While it doesn't blow me away as I was hoping, the figure does seem to have much better proportions than the ANH version. The arms and legs look much better. But the armor and helmet seem to be the same. That's weird.
Will wait to see more pics before making a decision on this one.
are we allowed to have a 2nd ssc vader in our collections?..........i would think that there is some kind of law about having too much awesome in one place.......:dunno

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