It's not a screen pic, it's a clip made directly from the dvd output of my dvd ripped Laserdisc copy (the only existing official unlatered edition off the OT).
That was made beacause people swore the scene was originally even bluer than the SE, DVD, and BR, which is clearly not the case.
The only scene where the damn thing looks blue is when Han is dismounting the Taun taun, directly under blue light.
I am sorry if they added more blue in the latter editions, but that should be treated like Anakin's ghost, Han shoot first, Jabba's tail and so on...![]()
I'm right... no I'm right... no I'm right....

I have a brand-new, high-end, super-duper, better-than-yours TV and watching both the official Blu's and Harmy's blu's... the coat appears blue some of the time and brown some of the time.
How it appears on your screen based on its settings, and to your individual eye, and from what version/print/release of the film you are watching, is your business, but don't tell me what I see, or quote irrelevant "actual" costume colors.
How things appear onscreen is the only and final arbiter (nobody saw the actual coat back in the early 1980's - only the film) - and based on my state-of-the-art TV and "ultimate" disc media versions of the film, Han's coat is mostly brown, but also blue in some scenes.