Jesus, lighten up, it's just for ****s and giggles. Where was the "flare up"? Do you think I actually give a flying **** what color Han Solo's jacket is?

What do you think is going to be discussed in the Solo Hoth thread, there is zero else going on until we see the creature from the black lagoon SS production head sculpt with its flat white plastic eyes and paint apps by a five year old minimum wage artist.
Then we can have 200 pages of bitchin and whining about how good bad the headsculpt is followed by another 100 pages of people desperately trying to repaint/modify the sculpt to look decent.
You also added to the debate by the way. Why can't everyone just enjoy trying to prove everyone wrong? It's fun as long as it polite. And we all know that it was actually intended to be blue so I don't see the problem in discussing it?