Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Wait, I never ordered this big lipped monkey.
So i got criticised for saying Sideshow felt like a state enterprise, but one of the things which marks out state enterprises is that they don't have to try too hard because there's no competition. If there was a serious competitor to Sideshow they would have to improve or die. Also, all the figures you've mentioned are non-human, which Sideshow don't **** up too badly/ does quite well.

I wish people could discuss Sideshow's shortcomings without things getting ugly, the fact that they do made me wonder if people identified with the company on nationalistic grounds.

I would love this figure to be great, even though I'm not buying it, especially if it improved the chances of Hoth Luke - a figure I want - being great too.

I just don't see any patriotic fanboy-ism, that's all. Granted, I don't live in these threads so I may have missed the conversations that make you think this way. In my experience I've seen everyone discussing SS' shortcomings and it only gets ugly towards SS themselves. No one here (American or otherwise) pulls punches or sugar coats when discussing SS' messes.

But the lack of comp is a legal thing to my understanding. I don't know about it in great depth, but I gather that only one company can hold the license for a certain scale and grade (i.e. SS has the high end 1/6 SW license, while Hasbro has the 12" low end).
Geez! What happened last night?!? It's like I woke up, came down stairs and the house was trashed! :lol

I think the reason is pretty clear. Lack of options. If you know where I can get a better high end 1/6 IG-88, Tusken, Snowie, Probot, Bossk, VADER, etc., then please lead the way. If it's produced by anyone outside of the Islamic State, I'm buying

Exactly! :lecture

So i got criticised for saying Sideshow felt like a state enterprise, but one of the things which marks out state enterprises is that they don't have to try too hard because there's no competition. If there was a serious competitor to Sideshow they would have to improve or die. Also, all the figures you've mentioned are non-human, which Sideshow don't **** up too badly/ does quite well.

I wish people could discuss Sideshow's shortcomings without things getting ugly, the fact that they do made me wonder if people identified with the company on nationalistic grounds.

I would love this figure to be great, even though I'm not buying it, especially if it improved the chances of Hoth Luke - a figure I want - being great too.

PopCultKid might only have named the aliens and robots, but the idea still stands. HT hasn't made Hoth figures (yet). And they are most likely not going to make Nathan Drake or Snake Pliskin. So what choice to people who love those characters have?

Everyone knows that Sideshow's production quality is not nearly up to par with HT's, and Sideshow should certainly not charge HT prices because of that. No one can argue that. I guarantee if HT or even Star Ace, or really anyone else were making the figures Sideshow is, everyone would probably choose those instead of Sideshow's offerings or whichever one came out best.

A lot of people are trying to send Sideshow a message by simply not buying these bad figures or being very vocal about their disappointment. That's about all we can do right now. Sideshow does try to improve their work, but still has not caught up to HT quality. Their biggest fail is this new eye system that they should have given up on BEFORE they made the Hoth figures. Hopefully they will either abandon the technique soon, or perfect it.

Sadly, if products don't sell, Sideshow will throw it back on us fans and say that there was not enough interest in the line and are therefore putting it on "pause" for the foreseeable future, instead of admitting that they put out a crappy product.

However, HT has also proven that they are not as infallible as we always thought they were. They suffer from bad sculpts to deteriorating materials to inaccuracies. Vader is not the home run we were all hoping for. Neither is Han or Chewie or even Ben. And don't even get me started on HT's biggest disappointment: Indy!

Anyway, still eager to see how these Hoth figures come out!
Trashed house and weird bickering? I feel like were just talking :dunno :lol

And yes, I highlighted some of their good figures (which were of course non-human) because those are good examples of why we buy from SS. SS is not perfect in any way (neither is HT), and I'm sure they're reminded of that 100 times per day on this forum.

And Lu is right, I think we are finally seeing people actually voting with their wallets. I think it's more a lack of faith issue than a price issue when you see both Lukes and Han exclusives still lingering. If SS had HT's track record with production and human likeness, I'll bet my d__k against a penny that X-Wing Luke EX would have flew off the shelf long ago, even at that price
Trashed house and weird bickering? I feel like were just talking :dunno :lol

And yes, I highlighted some of their good figures (which were of course non-human) because those are good examples of why we buy from SS. SS is not perfect in any way (neither is HT), and I'm sure they're reminded of that 100 times per day on this forum.

And Lu is right, I think we are finally seeing people actually voting with their wallets. I think it's more a lack of faith issue than a price issue when you see both Lukes and Han exclusives still lingering. If SS had HT's track record with production and human likeness, I'll bet my d__k against a penny that X-Wing Luke EX would have flew off the shelf long ago, even at that price

:lol me too. And good post.
Yeah Sideshow had it really good for awhile, but now that customers are seeing some of the much better work that's out there, their stuff just doesn't seem quite as impressive anymore.

Although that being said, I still think people here are being way too harsh on them. The Drake figure obviously deserves all the ridicule it's gotten, but the other figures people complain about don't seem nearly as bad to me. And of course they're still putting out fantastic statues like the new WW.
Some great posts here, especially Lu's. I just wish they'd get out of the 1/6 business and leave it to people who can produce quality work. For whatever reason, they just can't improve fast enough to keep up with the improvements in the hobby as a whole. Things like that Luke/ Tie Pilot video annoy me... it's like all their creativity and perfectionism goes into photographing and marketing the product, the product itself, not so much.
I'm new at this, I don't think it's loaded the pictures up of the new han solo in his hoth gear

Yeah, some kid thought it would be funny to ring my doorbell last week and run away. He didn't think it was so funny the second time when I ran after him with a steak knife.
Some great posts here, especially Lu's. I just wish they'd get out of the 1/6 business and leave it to people who can produce quality work. For whatever reason, they just can't improve fast enough to keep up with the improvements in the hobby as a whole. Things like that Luke/ Tie Pilot video annoy me... it's like all their creativity and perfectionism goes into photographing and marketing the product, the product itself, not so much.
But then what would you have to complain about?
Some great posts here, especially Lu's. I just wish they'd get out of the 1/6 business and leave it to people who can produce quality work. For whatever reason, they just can't improve fast enough to keep up with the improvements in the hobby as a whole. Things like that Luke/ Tie Pilot video annoy me... it's like all their creativity and perfectionism goes into photographing and marketing the product, the product itself, not so much.

People buy it, so they keep making it and selling it. :dunno

When prompted for a reason for ck1-ing R2, I chose "issues with final product". But I'm just one Cancelling McCancelpants of the Northern Cancellers. Pretty sure I'm outnumbered.

R2 looks better with the weathering mods, BTW...and if I wasn't hell bent on keeping things minimal I'd be tempted to reverse that decision, so there we are again...choices are limited as this is a niche hobby.

BTW Captain Britain...can't remember which thread you seemed to think I was in the UK? I'm Canadian...:wave