Super Freak
They're the same. Crazy.
A picture of a thousand trucks is worth a thousand words.
They're the same. Crazy.
SSC should probably officially move on from lead character figures
Poor Trevor Grove. Seems like his headsculpts are always being messed up by Sideshow in one way or another.
Why not just change their production process? Seems like it's a better long-term move than abandoning a significant portion of a license. Sideshow's in-house staff and contracted artists produce some amazing work. Whomever is in charge of their design for manufacturing and processes needs a serious reality check if they believe they can compete (for quality) with what we've already seen in the past few figure releases.
What's obvious, up until this point, it that they've been competing well for dollars, making decent money, so if they continue to produce a more toy-like result, fans will have to step up their efforts to make their opinions known or nothing is going to change.
But hey, it's not all roses for HT either, because while they have production locked down pretty well, their art direction isn't strong enough to avoid showing prototypes, and eventually producing products, that bear little to no resemblance to the likenesses they're licensing. Honestly, Sideshow just needs to buy Hot Toys and re-integrtate the design to production process.
It's over for me if Han Hoth sucks. If its somewhere inbetween good and OK, I'm still done. I have to be. Money's growing and room is shrinking. Something has to give. And I believe at $240 I should be getting something to be proud of... not something that "works for now".
I said months ago that HT has been delivering the "new generation" ultra-realistic heads for over 5 years. SSC has had all that time to "change their production process" - and didn't. The fact we can point to HT John Connor from five years ago and SSC Drake from a few months ago is the proof. Maybe it's because SSC rarely directly competed with HT - well, now they do.
SSC has an opportunity in that HT has dropped the ball to varying degrees with Chewy, Han and Ben. And it's interesting that "where is HT Leia and Luke?" question still hasn't been answered - ie. they were supposed to be revealed a month or two ago, but they are tweaking them. So HT hasn't swooped in with ultra-defnitive sculpts as was expected. So if SSC can nail Luke X-Wing...
It's possible that Han and Luke Hoth will be the transition figures - not as bad as Drake or as bland/toy-like as Snake, but still not at the level they need to be (that is, roughly on-par.) So all eyes turn to Luke X-Wing.
However... if HT hadn't dropped the ball on the first SW releases, SSC's (assumed) failure on Han Hoth would indeed be the end of the line for them in terms of main character humans.
It's over for me if Han Hoth sucks. If its somewhere inbetween good and OK, I'm still done. I have to be. Money's growing and room is shrinking. Something has to give. And I believe at $240 I should be getting something to be proud of... not something that "works for now".
, SSC's (assumed) failure on Han Hoth would indeed be the end of the line for them in terms of main character humans.
Where's some pictures? Someone out there put us out of our misery....please!
No one wants Sideshow to fail, I want them to make great figures. I want a Hoth Luke I love, not a Hoth Luke I buy for parts or reject in favour of a Hasbro outfit
Where's some pictures? Someone out there put us out of our misery....please!