Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Still holding for Paramore's amazing pictures -- still deciding on this one. Remember, if you get this, then you have to get Hoth Luke.... and you still won't have Hoth Leia.

Bespin jacket and shirt are an excellent bonus, but easily had once parted out.

I'm only interested in the Hoth Han myself. The beige-colored costumes for Hoth Luke and Leia I always found kind of boring and uninteresting to look at for some reason.
The 'Bespin' jacket (and shirt) is a cool reveal. But why the zipper? There's not even a need to close the jacket.

At least the zip looks small.

In any case it looks like I'll be switching these with the ones that came with SS Bespin Han on one of the figures. As long as the hatless sculpt is better than Bespin Han's this might work out better than expected.

I also think this is the best the eyes have looked in your photos. Shadows will be Han's friend!
:lol You'd be surprised! I mean, just look at all Sideshow's figures before they started the separate eye system. Those figures' eyes weren't exactly masterpieces either.

Yeah, it's too bad for those who were really counting on the ex head to use elsewhere. However, I can't imagine people weren't waiting on this figure with some very healthy amount of skepticism that Sideshow would get it right. Cautiously optimistic would probably be as good as the anticipation got, down to "Fff. It's gonna suck."

I'm personally a little disappointed but more because I'm really rooting for Sideshow! I think the failure of this and Luke is serious. This was the absolute last chance many here were giving Sideshow to come through and prove that they could play with the big boys and charge big boy prices.

They had been talking about that new eye system ever since they first previewed the Hoth figures at SDCC. They really should have gotten the production right on it by now, or given up.

Who knows. Maybe in a year or so, after everyone has given up on Sideshow, they will surprise us with a stellar final production figure!


Well I was hoping for some official production pics by now, but overall it still looks pretty good I think. Yeah the eyes are open a bit wider than I'd like, and the face could use a bit more detail and skin texture, but it still looks more than enough like HF to me.

I definitely wouldn't say it looks like a $200 figure (more like $150), but I'll go ahead and keep my preorder all the same. Plus I have a feeling the blue coat version will look a bit cooler and sharper anyway.

It is funny - the brown may be correct to the costume, but blue just looks way more distinctive, separating Han from the rest of the Hoth base beige/brown crew.

I was thinking Hasbro as soon as I saw that huge snap and the big stitching.


Pics of the hatless head sculpt?

Still stuck in port, though SSC should be sending out their official prod'n pics in the next day or so.
Wow - what a savvy move by SSC with the blue Bespin coat - I imagine that will just push this over into the sale column for people on the fence. Really, really hoping the hatless head looks okay. With both the eye thing and the hair seam thing in the mix though...
WIN! :clap

Great shots man. He looks real good there.

Yeah, great shots. It's not a bad figure, just stuck in the uncanny valley mainly because of the eyes, I feel. I also think it will look better with the accurate blue coat. :D

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I really wanted to like this figure..... but......

it just looks odd.

In the proto photos on SSC website it looked like Han to me. In these pics (great pics paramore, not a knock on you) he just looks off. The eyes seem to wide open, some of the clothing feels cheap to me.... I don't know, just not a real big fan as of now.
Para amazing pics! Looks great and smart move Sideshow by adding the Bespin Jacket underneath.