Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Yeah, I can't agree with that one.

Me neither.

"issumakattigengnerk " (Inuit for "me neither") - seal hunter guy


"Me neither" - Ice Station Zebra chisel-jawed sub commander dude


I've bought this figure, I was one of the first to buy this figure - but these two production pics of the headsculpt show zero resemblance to HF from these angles.
Right. They're all overpriced. But i think HT Han is at least worth a good 50$ more than the SS figure. (IMO)

Yeah I'd agree the HT looks like the higher quality figure overall (even with the likeness issues), but to me the Hoth Han just appears to be a much more interesting and unique figure to display. Especially once it's been properly futzed and weathered. And that more than makes up for any other deficiencies in my book.
I'm going to wait until I have both these sets in hand before calling it. But I know from experience what quality to expect from both companies.
From CAHobbit/Sideshow Alex:

Han is an item that's been stuck at port for weeks. We're just waiting for him to get freed up from there but it's really unknown when that will be. Could be next week but could be a month (or more) from now. I wish I could give an answer that gave y'all an exact month time frame, sorry.


However, it appears a deal has been reached only a few hours ago that will (most likely, hopefully) end the port strike:

Deal reached in West Coast dockworkers dispute
Frankly, the headsculpts on both the SSC Han Hoth and the HT ANH Han are pretty disappointing and lackluster. For 2015 that is. One looks like Han as a mixed race eskimo, the other is a hyper-realistic sculpt of an 80's TV actor who is vaguely recognizable. Both have a slight HF resemblance from certain angles - and zero resemblance from others.

I think it's funny that some people are defending Hoth Han as good value for money. Because you get two substandard heads instead of one.

A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing.
I think it's funny that some people are defending Hoth Han as good value for money.
How is that different than any other thread for any other figure on this board. You always have a vocal minority who either rally to support a figure or rally to bash a figure, its usually the same people, pro/anit-Sideshow or pro/anti-Hot Toys, whatever their stance it pours over into whatever figure thread it happens to be but its always the same few who do it. It's par for the course.
I think it's funny that some people are defending Hoth Han as good value for money. Because you get two substandard heads instead of one.

A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing.

Yeah, better we should pay Hot Toys more for one substandard head (substandard as it it doesn't remotely resemble Han, and I've seen it in person). But I'm a slave to the hobby and will likely get both. :duh
Yeah, better we should pay Hot Toys more for one substandard head (substandard as it it doesn't remotely resemble Han, and I've seen it in person). But I'm a slave to the hobby and will likely get both. :duh

Well if you are happy with the SSC Hoth, then I see no reason why you wouldn't pick up the HT head. :lol
Subjectivity is a wonderful thing.
How is that different than any other thread for any other figure on this board. You always have a vocal minority who either rally to support a figure or rally to bash a figure, its usually the same people, pro/anit-Sideshow or pro/anti-Hot Toys, whatever their stance it pours over into whatever figure thread it happens to be but its always the same few who do it. It's par for the course.

True true.
How is that different than any other thread for any other figure on this board.

I'm both pro HT and pro SSC in general, and have no problem criticizing bad decisions from either manufacturer. Crap likenesses from HT, bad production processes from SSC, etc. What we regularly get with every release from every producer is chicken-little-syndrome. Some people freaking out that the sky is falling and it's the end of the world. Also in general, I don't participate in threads for figures I don't like, figures that I'm not interested in. I'm pretty sure a lot of people do the same thing, but not everyone.

But yep, Solo definitely looks more like Moonite Eskimo in these shots. But if you step back, squint and slightly blur your eyes, it's still a better likeness than Hot Toy's Smuggler Hank.

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