Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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I'm the only one that is right 100% of the time.

Each person is different? Pfft, everyone comes from my loins. So while they may have a deferring opinion (i.e. the wrong one), there's enough of me in them for them to be okay in the end.
How is that different than any other thread for any other figure on this board. You always have a vocal minority who either rally to support a figure or rally to bash a figure, its usually the same people, pro/anit-Sideshow or pro/anti-Hot Toys, whatever their stance it pours over into whatever figure thread it happens to be but its always the same few who do it. It's par for the course.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to King Darkness again.


Could explain the ears and slicked back hair...


Anyway, the point is you and Rory should be nicer to each other since you are brothers.
I was referencing your tight sweaty loins with regards to compressed ears and slicked hair btw. ;)

Anyway, the point is you and Rory should be nicer to each other since you are brothers.

I'm nice to everyone, even if that means sometimes just not replying. ;) This is the same strategy I've implemented starting this past week with my mother-in-law. But despite this MiL issue, I'm in a good mood - had a stranger play with my junk yesterday and AAPL is at an all-time high.
Are you saying these photos are a digital creation?

View attachment 167301

View attachment 167302

You can see it was taken at a low angle, with shadows, to minimize the bug eye effect, but I highly doubt that these photos were digitally manipulated to make it look better.

It's just funny to me that now that SSC is taking photos of the final product, people are still haranguing them about it. You folks will just never be happy. It's no wonder SSC doesn't give these complainers any credence. They'll never stop.

They aren't manipulated. They're even taking to creating real backdrops so frequently not even the set is photoshopped.
They aren't manipulated. They're even taking to creating real backdrops so frequently not even the set is photoshopped.

But what about the digital snow and photoshopped fog on some of the shots Dave?
I know they create mini dio's when doing their photoshoots, which are amazing sometimes, but they still color grade and touch up the photo's by hand before they are published? All photo shoots do?

But what about the digital snow and photoshopped fog on some of the shots Dave?


For 3PO and R2 they used mist. It's possible they did the same and dropped fake snow behind the figure while shooting. Either way neither of those effects distort what is seen of the figure, even if it were digitally altered. I still view Paramore's pics as the most helpful in determining whether to buy the figure. Sideshow didn't include any up close shots of the head sculpts.
The pictures sideshow has put out of hoth solo are as close as any others they typically publish. They never push in as close with the macro lens as people on this site
I know these have some issues but I personally am pretty excited to get the figure and tauntaun. Modded, this is going to be an awesome display I think.
My plan is to swap the body, make a new belt and blaster, and possibly new boots. Add snow effects also.
Anyone planning on adding hair to the tauntaun?
But what about the digital snow and photoshopped fog on some of the shots Dave?
I know they create mini dio's when doing their photoshoots, which are amazing sometimes, but they still color grade and touch up the photo's by hand before they are published? All photo shoots do?

Well obviously they're going to shoot their products in the most flattering way possible, amp up the color and contrast to make the pictures pop a bit more, and maybe add some special effects around them. But I don't get the sense these companies are altering what the basic underlying figure looks like (by altering the likeness or bulking up the costume or whatever).

If they were, it's likely some of these final Hoth Han shots would look a lot better than they do.
Sideshow's product pics used to be available in very high resolution - they don't do that anymore. I believe it was DX Vader that was the last SSC product that had high res pics. You could really see the product up-close with those. Now all the pics are small to medium sized.

While I won't say this is some effort to "hide" something, it is very curious how the headsculpt was treated in these Han Hoth production pics - as in not a single close up. I found that to be very odd.