Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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She does. She enjoys reading.

:lol I'd read her a bedtime story anytime.
On a general note, does everybody recognise this:

* The collectors who are overtly positive and post repetitively glowing posts about a release, regardless of it's actual quality are incredibly infuriating to collectors who think said product is substandard?

* The collectors who are overtly negative and post repetitively damning posts about a release, regardless of it's actual quality are incredibly infuriating to collectors who think said product is fantastic?

"Lovers" are just as ****ing annoying as "haters" you don't have the upper ground. There are so many members of this board who will instantaneously love or hate a product for the wrong reasons. Manufacturer seems to be the main offender. There are just as many blind SSC lovers in here as blind SSC haters.

Why can't we criticise a poor release, and celebrate a good release? That's what these open forums are for right?
And before anyone says, everyone just hates on SSC, it's not true. The Probe Droid thread, even the Vader thread says otherwise. Different people expect very different levels of sophistication from their collectibles. Given the price point these things are at right now, they/we have every right to give our honest opinions, good or bad about a release. Personally, I don't knock anyone for saying something is great when I hate it, or vice versa. It doesn't change my view though.

No issues with "lovers" or "haters", issues come when said "lovers" and "haters" feel the need to post their opinions about a particular figure 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 times in a single thread. Believe me, people read those posts the first, second and maybe even third time, but the 36th post that says the same thing that was said in post 1, 40 pages ago, it gets mighty tiresome. Some people just REALLY feel like they need to get their point across, not sure why that is.

No issues with "lovers" or "haters", issues come when said "lovers" and "haters" feel the need to post their opinions about a particular figure 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 times in a single thread. Believe me, people read those posts the first, second and maybe even third time, but the 36th post that says the same thing that was said in post 1, 40 pages ago, it gets mighty tiresome. Some people just REALLY feel like they need to get their point across, not sure why that is.


That is what I'm saying King. The fans of a certain release seem to want to banish all negativity, to justify their purchase perhaps, and seem to be all the more vocal about knocking the members who are being negative, the non fans want to continue bashing, some genuine in their disappointment some just having a go at SSC. I see the same people saying how great something is over and over, or posting passive aggressive gifs everytime someone says something negative, even if they are being genuine. It's no better than someone knocking repeatedly. Spamming either way isn't good, but it's a two way street.

I think it's important to distinguish between genuine "negativity" and "positivity" and just spamming. If it's really the freaks opinion one way or the other, they are perfectly entitled to it.

And the third species of freaks seem to be the people who say something negative, then say something positive, then ***** about people being negative, then say something bitchy themselves. Popularity players. Not sure how to categorise them yet. :lol
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How long have it been since its first appearance at SDCC? I am eager to have this in hand after such a lengthy wait.
I call straw man on the 'just as many' SSC lovers.

I'm not familiar with the term "straw man" but if you are being pedantic about a turn of phrase, then I apologise. "there are a large number" would probably have been more apt. You are right, there are not as many SSC lovers as there were.
So, um, how 'bout that Han figure. Wonder which version the color blind freaks chose. That's gotta be a head trip.
I'm not familiar with the term "straw man" but if you are being pedantic about a turn of phrase, then I apologise. "there are a large number" would probably have been more apt. You are right, there are not as many SSC lovers as there were.

Straw man is a non-existent or exaggerated hypothetical used to justify a position.
I call straw man on the 'just as many' SSC lovers.

Do you really really think that the blind SSC supporters really are in the minority here (the Star Wars section)? :lol

I don't continuously keep up with all forums, just Star Wars, Alien/Robots and others sporadically, so I guess the fanatical HT fanboys/Sideshow haters are somewhere else. Because there is plenty of complaining going on in all forums but only here I see the people who about half their posts are only to defend a company in this case Sideshow or to ridicule someone else for their opinions. Come to think of it I did see a lot of it in the Drake and Snake threads as well so I think we can all see the pattern here... :lol

How long have it been since its first appearance at SDCC? I am eager to have this in hand after such a lengthy wait.

Why not get if from HK since you are in Singapore, or are you after the exclusive?
Do you really really think that the blind SSC supporters really are in the minority here (the Star Wars section)? :lol

I don't think there are any.

As I said, I think they're a straw man created by the bashers who can't conceive of someone liking a figure which they don't, unless that person is either blind, stupid, subservient to the brand, or all of the above.
I don't think there are any.

As I said, I think they're a straw man created by the bashers who can't conceive of someone liking a figure which they don't, unless that person is either blind, stupid, subservient to the brand, or all of the above.

I just got laser surgery to correct my vision and I still like my dollies, warts and all. Curse my stupidity and brand subservience.
I'm sorry to say I had to cancel both Han and Luke for lack of funds.
These pics look great, I'm sure they will look amazing together on the shelf.