Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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I read them. I enjoy them. Much like I enjoy the long-winded praise posts about how great "X" figure is and how it will never be topped... and then see the same poster selling it in the For Sale section about three months later because the next "big thing" has arrived.

When was the last time you saw a praise post, lol

It just gets tiresome to pop in here and see pages of complaints about a figure barely anyone has, you don't like it return it or start collecting stamps
Does anyone read these long winded rants about how bad this figure is and x collector is cancelling?

No one gives a ****

Does anyone read these long winded rants about how bad this figure is and x collector is cancelling?

No one gives a ****

I'm sure you didn't read it because I didn't say this was head to toe bad (quite the opposite), or that I'm canceling at all

But you're really onto something :lecture. Stamps! Excellent fkin' idea! That's what I'll do
Does anyone read these long winded rants about how bad this figure is and x collector is cancelling?

No one gives a ****
When was the last time you saw a praise post, lol

It just gets tiresome to pop in here and see pages of complaints about a figure barely anyone has, you don't like it return it or start collecting stamps
If you'd bothered to read it, you'd know it wasn't a rant and he's not cancelling. :lol Seriously, you think taking time to post "didn't read it!!!!" is that much better? Just comes across as ignorant, frankly.
I'm sure you didn't read it because I didn't say this was head to toe bad (quite the opposite), or that I'm canceling at all

But you're really onto something :lecture. Stamps! Excellent fkin' idea! That's what I'll do

Guilty conscience ?

You and Albertas finest assumed I was referring to your post, which i wasn't. There are pages and pages before you bitching and complaining when the figure isn't even in hand yet.
Writes wall-o-text complaint, edits it 20 minutes later to make it more obnoxious - including Nazi reference. Calls people who don't read it trolls.

Gotta love SSF.
Clearly you have no sense of humor whatsoever. (I'll be editing this post in THIRTY minutes, just to annoy you.)

Edited 30 minutes later for maximum annoyance: I didn't call you a troll because you didn't read my post at all; that is a misrepresentation on your part. I called you a troll because instead of simply ignoring the longer posts you're not interested in, you went out of your way to take a dump on someone else's conversation.
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Not to go off topic....the blue coat solo comes with an extra head sculpt that is not in with the Brown coat???
Not to go off topic....the blue coat solo comes with an extra head sculpt that is not in with the Brown coat???

Actually, the brown coat comes with a head sculpt that's not in the other brown coat box. ;)

There are two exclusives. Both include the extra head. One with blue coat, one with brown.
My exclusive is reading this thread the last few days. Two people, from what I read have this in hand; the rest of us just have opinions. I wish I was in the the 'have' camp...
Guilty conscience ?

You and Albertas finest assumed I was referring to your post, which i wasn't. There are pages and pages before you bitching and complaining when the figure isn't even in hand yet.

I am guilty. Of a great many things

I thought you were referring to me and the rest of the long-winded, seeing how I was the last drop a novel before your post. I'm sure that's the angle that my Canuck friend saw it from too

If you'd bothered to read it, you'd know it wasn't a rant and he's not cancelling. :lol Seriously, you think taking time to post "didn't read it!!!!" is that much better? Just comes across as ignorant, frankly.


Some of us get wrapped up in ranting about collecting politics, others are one-liner kings. Thankfully the forum takes all kinds :)
...I'm sure that's the angle that my Canuck friend saw it from too...
Yep, that was my take and regardless whom it was directed at, everyone spending the $$$ we do in this hobby is entitled to their opinion, good, bad or indifferent. Like you say, Pop, takes all kinds.

Anyway, Deez, apologies for the misunderstanding.
I read them. I enjoy them. Much like I enjoy the long-winded praise posts about how great "X" figure is and how it will never be topped... and then see the same poster selling it in the For Sale section about three months later because the next "big thing" has arrived.

Fence sitter.