SIDESHOW - IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

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Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

It's not the likeness that bothers me. It's his right arm that anatomically isn't even possible to be out where it is. And looking at the photos and how much the helmet should be lowered into his shoulders. Those raised pieces or iron on his shoulders should be all the way up by his ears.

Yes! :lecture

I could deal with the face (call it being tortured and stress ;) )... but the armor detail above are a must change!
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

i doubt if we'll see anything else related to the mark III version, since they already released the classic version during spook. but in saying that it certainly looks as if no ones afraid to release more im stuff:lol

Yeah, I know everyone is getting burned out on IM. I don't have any IM pieces in my collection because I was hoping for a PF or maquette of the movie-version Mark III. If it doesn't happen, oh well. But doesn't make sense to me to release the movie version Mark I and not the other versions.

The likeness, the price tag and the hope that we'll see Mark III is keeping me away from this piece.
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

It's not the likeness that bothers me. It's his right arm that anatomically isn't even possible to be out where it is. And looking at the photos and how much the helmet should be lowered into his shoulders. Those raised pieces or iron on his shoulders should be all the way up by his ears.

i agree, it would of been pretty hard for old tony to get out of the cave, with all them bullets hitting him wearing this markI suit. there's way to many unprotected areas. it almost looks like football padding, instead of full body armour.
look at the ht version, it'd be almost impossible to get a bullet past the armour, not so with ss version.
i ordered one, but i'm seriously thinking about cancelling, but usually you guys in the states get them well before we do up here, so maybe i'll wait until people get them and post pics of the actual piece before making my final cut.
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

Once I get my HT Iron Man I'm going to take a sawd off shotgun to it and c what happens... :monkey5
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

those of you saying there's too much IM out.... would you be interested in a Warmachine???
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

those of you saying there's too much IM out.... would you be interested in a Warmachine???

Hell yeah and I want the pose to be lacking so the ES will be lower and not many ppl will be getting it! :lol 1/4 scale $500 please...

I kid, i kid everyone, yes I would really like it regardless another IM, it will only add to my shrine that I'm acquiring this year! :rock
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

those of you saying there's too much IM out.... would you be interested in a Warmachine???

somewhat, but with all the others coming, i think alot of people collections will be getting a little im heavy, i know mine will be if i happen to keep everything i've got coming (which is highly unlikely).
don't forget im was a relatively obscure character before the movie came out, and what will happen to him after the last movies are made.
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

somewhat, but with all the others coming, i think alot of people collections will be getting a little im heavy, i know mine will be if i happen to keep everything i've got coming (which is highly unlikely).
don't forget im was a relatively obscure character before the movie came out, and what will happen to him after the last movies are made.

I disagree
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

Iron Man was never an obscure character, as a founding member of the Avengers and throughout time has had his own comic books, off-shoot books and team books (ala Spider-Man/Wolverine/Captain America, etc) and his own cartoon series twice as well as being involved in Avengers cartoons and multiple action figures, statues and busts, obscure is definitely the wrong word to use. If you are talking about obscure we're talking about Arachne or Captain Britain. What you can say about Iron Man is that he was a "B" List character up until the movie but never obscure.
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

yeah, i wondered how long that would take,:lol. i thought after i posted, that i may have used the wrong word.
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

Well he definite was not known amongst the norms, like non comic book ppl, I can't tell u how many times I've heard Iron Man who? Mainly parents in stores but you would be surprise...

edit:Here on this forum never but we are talking amongst a elite group of fans here
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

I would say the general populus knew him as much as they knew Wolverine, Cyclops or Mary Jane before their respective movies. Amongst the Elite would be knowing the subtile differences between War Machine Tony Stark armor and War Machine James Rhodes armor. The general populus wouldn't even know who Rhodes was.
Re: IRON MAN Mark 1 Maquette

don't forget im was a relatively obscure character before the movie came out, and what will happen to him after the last movies are made.

LOL :lol what planet have you been living on?? The one im living in, Iron Man is one of Marvels top ten heroes of all time way before any movie was made. I wouldnt even say he was a B list character...definitely A list imo.

Just because YOU haven't heard of him prior to the film doesnt mean he is obscure. Just that you've been pretty ignorant to the comic world, or maybe youre just not a fan.