Mad Old Lu
Super Freak
No newsletter last night or today.
Can still access through the website and it says I'm subscribed.
I'll PM Alex.
I'll PM Alex.
I gave up trying to receive newsletters. It just wasn't worth the hassle anymore.
hi guys! I am so sorry to hear that some are still having issues. Please email me your name, email address, name of browser and email host (hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc) to [email protected], subject: Newsletter tech support and I will over see the tech myself! Can't have the freaks shut out!
I've had the same problem for several weeks now. I just quit trying to look it up. Chalk it up to another unfavorable (IMO) change that SS has made recently, that list including NRD's, newsletter time change, open/unannounced edition sizes, poorer QC, increased prices...
I don't care that it's changed, I can be flexible. But these changes aren't any sort of improvement and make finding and logging into the NL more difficult; why would a company want to make something less visible and harder to log into for their customers? It's stupid.
I don't mind the new changes to the site. I just mind that the new Newsletter system is so fraught with bugs that I (and others here) don't get my newsletter emailed anymore. It's not a big deal when you come down to it, but I did appreciate the convenience of it arriving in my inbox. Ever since that stopped working for me, I hardly ever remember or bother to check out the newsletter on their website.