Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow

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Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Now I dont consider this ____ty...but I can see why people dont like it. However, it is better then that godawful Cinemaquette one. Or whatever it's called. Who the ____ is that supposed to be anyway? lol.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

IMO It's not a very good facial likeness, but I think that It's the best you're gonna get sadly.

Luckily for me I'm not keen to spend that kind of money in the current tough financial climate, and and so the dodgy likeness helps make this an easy miss for me.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Sharing of opinions is the point of this site, it only becomes a problem when people state theirs with a blatant inacceptance of their being anything else. When people believe their opinion is the only rational one and try to drill that home, that's when things get ugly. I'll challenge opinions that I don't agree with to get a discussion going but I won't imply, nor do I feel, that those that don't agree with me are in any sort of wrong for thinking how they do. My opinon feels right to me but I realize it could be very wrong anyway.

I disagree with everything said in this post.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I think it's not bad but not spot on. Still pretty good :)
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I hope Sideshow doesnt change anything because it looks like 200% Depp. DONT CHANGE ANYTHING SIDESHOW!!!

Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Here is the way I see it,

This PF has so much going on in it. Its simply awesome-the sculpt, the accuracy of the clothing, the lamp, the map, the change out hands-everything seems to be a winner and to me right up there with the best ever PF's.

Having said that, along with many I feel the Depp likeness is ok at best. From the side pics it looks like him, but something about that nose just isnt right to me. I think Im spoiled because Trevor has introduced us to rediculously amazing sculpts of Arnold and Indy that there is no question how good one of these can look.

My question to Sideshow is, if you are going to spend this much time, effort, and people to produce this character-why not go with the best face sculpturist you have and let Trevor Grove do the face sculpt. Everything else is spot on and I couldnt be happier.

But do you guys understand where Im coming from?
I mean, I will get it either way and be happy either way-but a better face sculpt on this would make it amazing!

I agree with you 100%. The base and costuming look fantastic, but the likeness is a bit of a letdown to me, certainly in light of some of the great likenesses SS has given us in the recent past. Trevor's work on the Arnie, Indy, GTG, Jedi Luke, and Anakin PF's was outstanding and you bring up a very good point. Why was SS's premier facial sculptor not commissioned to work on this one? :confused: This is the flagship piece to the Disney licence so far, and the character of Jack Sparrow is one of the most memorable in recent cinematic history. SS should have "pulled out all the stops" on this one and while they certainly did where the base, costuming, and excl. are concerned, I don't feel they did with the facial sculpt itself. I realize Trevor can't be everywhere at once, but I would have preferred waiting a bit longer for this PF,than SS putting it out now without involving him. :(
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Guys the only way to sort this out is for you to both measure.

I means with my post that I agree with said by Maulfan ;) He is disagree, others like me are agree .

I expressed my opinion freely as he has done:monkey3
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Absolutely. I was of course just kidding although I am sure some of the female collectors might like to see a measure off.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Why was SS's premier facial sculptor not commissioned to work on this one? :confused: This is the flagship piece to the Disney licence so far, and the character of Jack Sparrow is one of the most memorable in recent cinematic history. SS should have "pulled out all the stops" on this one and while they certainly did where the base, costuming, and excl. are concerned, I don't feel they did with the facial sculpt itself. I realize Trevor can't be everywhere at once, but I would have preferred waiting a bit longer for this PF,than SS putting it out now without involving him. :(

I don't understand why they didn't use Trevor either. I agree with you and would have preferred to wait for this piece if it meant Trevor would have worked on it. I was checking Trevor's work and he's actually done some art using Jack Sparrow. Not a sculpt, but he's familiar with the character artistically.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

The important thing is not the size, it´s give it a good use for ladies :lol

Of course I'm kidding too

Absolutely. I was of course just kidding although I am sure some of the female collectors might like to see a measure off.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I don't understand why they didn't use Trevor either.

Because they're happy with their other sculptors' abilities and they can't slow down their production rate to wait for Trevor to be free to do everything.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Maybe I wouldn't give the sculpt a 100% for accuracy (which doesn't happen very often anyway), but with that being said I still think that it's very nice--and also very obviously Johnny Depp (to me). This looks like it will get an "A" from me because they really did get so much right. (In fact, if I were to change anything, it wouldn't be the sculpt--it would be the addition of either a hat or monkey.) I expect this to be one of my very favorite pieces. I think it looks a lot better than the Cinemaquette, and for a whole lot less money.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Because they're happy with their other sculptors' abilities and they can't slow down their production rate to wait for Trevor to be free to do everything.

SS employs alot of great sculptors, but they should have commissioned their best to sculpt this "flagship" character. Whoever sculpted this no doubt did a good job, but does anyone think there would be so many people complaining the likeness is "off" a bit had Trevor done it? :confused:

And I'm pretty sure SS has enough on the go that they could have postponed releasing this PF for a month or two without missing a beat.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

You could argue any number of SS pieces as having a level of importance worthy of passing it off to Trevor. There's a balance Sideshow needs to maintain. They can't have Trevor do everything, and they have to keep their other sculptors feeling of value to them, who's going to want to work for Sideshow if projects are getting handed off to Trevor all the time.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

You could argue any number of SS pieces as having a level of importance worthy of passing it off to Trevor. There's a balance Sideshow needs to maintain. They can't have Trevor do everything, and they have to keep their other sculptors feeling of value to them, who's going to want to work for Sideshow if projects are getting handed off to Trevor all the time.

Look , I understand what you're saying but we're talking about a top tier, iconic character here. No one is saying that all projects should be handed over to Trevor, but there are some who should, and IMO Capt. Jack is one of them.
Think of it in terms of your favorite sports team. Who do want to see on the field when the game is on the line? Do you want to see the best player out there or would you rather the coach put out some lesser players so they don't get their noses out of joint.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

What I'm saying is, to you, Captain Jack should be a top priority, and I'm saying any piece from Sideshow could be argued by fans of it as being worthy of top priority and getting Trev's work on it. The reality is, there's always going to be pieces people wish Trev did or think should have been treated as the most important thing Sideshow's doing, but it can't always be that way.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

As has been stated - everyone sharing their opinion is all well and good. But when someone keeps repeating the same thing without offering anything new but are just trying to refute the majority opinion - it turns into trolling.

Personally I like the PF a lot - the sculpt is great - having seen it in person I think it's much stronger than the photos reveal.