Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow

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Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I don't really find fault with the sculpt, but it does lack a bit of personality; if it were to have the Capn' Jack smirk, it would be perfect.

Still as far as high end collectibles go, it is certainly at the top. :clap
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lm sure there will be another jack pf down the road as well with his hat and coat and mabey that one will be perfect,if this face isnt tweaked,
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I don't really find fault with the sculpt, but it does lack a bit of personality; if it were to have the Capn' Jack smirk, it would be perfect.

Still as far as high end collectibles go, it is certainly at the top. :clap

:lecture :lecture :lecture

I agree with LOTRFan...I think the sculpt is pretty darn good, but that's what it is that I couldn't put my finger on. It lacks the 'personality' that we love about Jack...that's why I was hoping for an exclusive SMIRK version. :rolleyes:
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

They probably should've concentrated more on Jack and less on all of the s@#$ on his base.

I'd definitely order this before the Rambo pf that's a plus.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

They probably should've concentrated more on Jack and less on all of the s@#$ on his base.

I'd definitely order this before the Rambo pf that's a plus.

What do you mean by that?, whats wrong with it?.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lm sure there will be another jack pf down the road as well with his hat and coat and mabey that one will be perfect,if this face isnt tweaked,

Seeing how popular Capt. Jack is, that's a pretty safe bet. Seeing as I don't need two Jack Sparrow's I'm not sure if I should wait this one out in hope of another version or stick with this one. Which, other than some small concerns I have with the pretty well perfect.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

If i were a big enough fan of Sparrow i wouldn`t hesitate with this PF,the pose and base is perfect...a perfect presentation of Sparrow imo.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

As has been stated - everyone sharing their opinion is all well and good. But when someone keeps repeating the same thing without offering anything new but are just trying to refute the majority opinion - it turns into trolling.
i think if someone can spout constant positive feedback without being put down by his peers, then someone else who spouts constant negative feedback should be treated the same. but that's just me.

what's fascinating to me is the need for some people(not saying you Darklord) to have their opinion/taste be validated universally, or else they'd feel bad. that seems to show a lack of confidence in their own taste. i mean, if you trust your own taste enough then no matter what everyone else says to the contrary shouldnt bother you much. or should it?

They probably should've concentrated more on Jack and less on all of the s@#$ on his base.
seconded. personally i think there's too much baggage on the base. the smirk, the hat, the slightly drunken pose, that twinkle in his eyes, that should tell you all you need to know about jack sparrow. simplicity is always better than excess clutters.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Y'know, I can't help it but when I'm reading all these comments about how it doesn't look like Jack Sparrow and how the accessories are bad and whatnot, that these are the same types of complaints we were hearing when Sideshow was releasing the KOTCS Indy PF.

All of those haters ended up eating crow, as the finished product far exceeded everyone's expectations. I see no reason to doubt that the finished product here will also blow everyone away.

I look forward to posting pictures of mine when it arrives, and making all the haters drool. :D
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

i think if someone can spout constant positive feedback without being put down by his peers, then someone else who spouts constant negative feedback should be treated the same. but that's just me.

The inevitable problem with that though is it leads to the CONSTANT "this statue sucks", "this statue is a fail" post with no reason why. Sure they start out like that but in the end they all go down to one word. Which of course can be said about the constant positive posts BUT in the end the negativeness is MUCH more annoying when it is the SAME person saying the SAME thing over and over again.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

On both sides, "discussion" becomes tiresome when the posts become mindless one liners. It's amazing how many arguments come up about not being able to discuss pieces and not just be one sided, but yet there's no realization that most of the time, it's not discussion, it's opinion attacks and pot stirring. If someone says I don't like the piece because of this and that, then it opens for a different opinion on those points and thus a discussion, but if the comments ammount to "Sideshow dropped the ball on this one," and things like that, it spawns bickering over the intelligence of the people making the comments and validity of their opinion. If people are unhappy with the piece and want to discuss it, then by all means, share and elaborate on what is dissatisfactory, but what a piece of junk type comments are only going to piss people off, though I think some people are out to do just that.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Its not about liking or disliking something, its about manners and some people don't have them.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Placed an order for Captain Jack
I think this is a great looking PF
Can't wait too own him
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Yeah people can complain all they want, easy fix, don't order. I got mine coming and frankly that's all I care about
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Mreh, I bet all this Complaining about the Johnny Depp likeness will disappear once the Piece is in Hand
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

What do you guys think of the EX for this piece?
Too me it's a mreh sort of EX and it's one I can definitely live without, as well as the fact this PF comes with two different Hands anyway, which is pretty cool