Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow

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Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I hope you're just doing it for laughs now...

That is an impressive repaint too.

And back to the post about artists... I think everyone has their ups and downs. I've seen some awesome sculpts by other artisits, and I've seen those same artists have misses as well. I'm not familiar enough with artists and their work to give specific examples.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Maybe because you have to have special troll eyes to not see it?

:lol :lol :lol

lol sozzard guys that i have said a bad thing about your beloved figure. and darklord dave is supposed to make sure this forum stays insult and abuse free - yet he comes out with that. lol


Thats why I like this hobby. 10 people can look at the same thing and have 10 different opinions and there is nothing wrong with that. But in the end buy what you like and who cares what anyone else thinks.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

I agree 100%!


WTF are you smoking?

Something reeeeally good apparently.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lol i never said i hated it - i said the sculpt could be improved. amazing how u guys are all for "everyone can have an opinion" but as soon as someone says something u dont agree they get battered down ahaha.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lol i never said i hated it - i said the sculpt could be improved. amazing how u guys are all for "everyone can have an opinion" but as soon as someone says something u dont agree they get battered down ahaha.

Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lol i never said i hated it - i said the sculpt could be improved. amazing how u guys are all for "everyone can have an opinion" but as soon as someone says something u dont agree they get battered down ahaha.

It's more like ahaha someone says something ahahah 46 times ahaha without ahahah stopping ahahahhaha.


Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lol i never said i hated it - i said the sculpt could be improved. amazing how u guys are all for "everyone can have an opinion" but as soon as someone says something u dont agree they get battered down ahaha.

No its just the fact that you don't stop. All you need to do is come in and say you don't like the sculpt and move on... you don't need to keep showing examples and bringing it up.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

lol i never said i hated it - i said the sculpt could be improved. amazing how u guys are all for "everyone can have an opinion" but as soon as someone says something u dont agree they get battered down ahaha.

Everyone can voice their opinion but when it is constant is annoying.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

People here have the same right to convince themrselves that something they really like or do not like it, what's wrong with that? It's something we see on these forums every day. :rolleyes:

This is an exercise in tolerance that must be exercised whether we like it or not we like the opinion of others:D

Incidentally, I think images speak louder than words. And in these pictures is one thing clear :whip
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

People here have the same right to convince themrselves that something they really like or do not like it, what's wrong with that? It's something we see on these forums every day. :rolleyes:

This is an exercise in tolerance that must be exercised whether we like it or not we like the opinion of others:D

Incidentally, I think images speak louder than words. And in these pictures is one thing clear :whip

I think I will just :rolleyes: to you.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I look at it like this. I'm in the camp of "It doesn't look like 100% but very close." There's no doubt that if you were to see it, that you would know who the character is but with that being said, I'm sure those who say they are satisfied, wouldn't complain if some improvements were made.

So Sideshow should just improve it and everybody will be happy.:D
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

I don't think there's an issue with anyone sharing their opinion of the piece, the problems I see come when people can't be open to the notion of people having a different opinion, that anyone not in aggreement must be damaged or blind or crazy to think the way they do, the inacceptance of differening opinions, and the innevitable pissing matches that follow of people fighting over who's more right. No one is more right, whatever you think is right for yourself and make your purchase decisions based on that, and if someone feels different who cares. If X thinks the PF looks just liky Johnny and loves is, does Y thinking it looks nothing like him really change the ability to enjoy the PF?
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Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Spot on Maulfan. Some have expressed their disappointment in the sculpt, others have felt the need to criticize those who liked it. There's the difference.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Interesting. I have a piece of art of the rat pack with that in the background. I never realized it was from the Sopranos. How odd the artisit decided to put that in there...

hi is this the bada bing logo thats in the poster this is the original bada bing logo thats in the sopranos my avatar is just a neon sign version.
Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress

Basically, its slightly different. The exclamation mark has a line down the middle of it. And the lady doesn't have nipples which makes her breast look deformed, where its a little more clear in the actual sign. Its kinda funny because in my picture the exclamation point looks like a pair of sissors that partially cut off her breast.