What makes you think the quality control will be any better with the DC stuff?
It looks like the statues weren't cleaned and primed before painting so the paint could start cracking and flaking months from now like some of the other busts/statues with this issue.
I am thinking about selling off my whole Sideshow collection.
So even the perfect pieces are expected to eventually develop paint issues due to the prep process? Eesh...
SS didn't offer you a replacement?![]()
told me my options are 1. full refund 1. waitlist (not guranteed a replacement piece)
that's because they are out of replacement parts, i have a feeling the new batch replacement parts will not be enough either. It will just be like another black orc pf mess, where they offer you $30 to keep the bad statues or full refund.
told you guys if you get on the wait list later you are screwed. It's their standard policy, once they run out of replacement parts they will never do it right by the customers. You either keep a broken ex or return it for refund, nevermind it's worth much higher $ now and the fact you are a loyal customer who trusted ss with a preorder.
over at lotr section, you got guys with no choice but to keep black orc ex with broken off arms because sideshow refuse to get more replacement parts and will only offer refund to return, even though the ex doubled in price during that time, so if they return the broken one they have to pay double from ebay.
people who did not order from sideshow directly are also screwed, as those reseller dont have as a good return policy.
rogue ultron psylocke, keep it rolling sideshow!![]()
I love it when others try to tell other collectors what to accept in their collection...![]()
I got a perfect one... I will let her go for $2k or a Doom PF EX![]()
Keep dreaming![]()
can't someone dream