1/6 Sideshow Star Wars TIE Fighter Pilot 1/6 Scale Figure

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Much more incentive to get the clones right since you can make 25 variants. I had no interest in these but I'm getting cold feet on some of the humans so this got more enticing. I wanna say $199 but new pricing might mean $219.
Much more incentive to get the clones right since you can make 25 variants. I had no interest in these but I'm getting cold feet on some of the humans so this got more enticing. I wanna say $199 but new pricing might mean $219.

You'll be happy then with $189.99. I don't see how people think this will be more than a Scout and......
I had no interest in these but I'm getting cold feet on some of the humans so this got more enticing.
a $189.99 price will allow Sideshow to take advantage of this sentiment.
The Scout was before X-Wing Luke. That was the night everything changed.

But X-wing Luke has a head sculpt and is the main character of Star Wars. Whereas the Tie Pilot has less pieces to his uniform than a Scout, just don't see it. Let's be positive people....work with me here. :lol
is the pricing going to be the same with luke xwing fighter?

They just made it sound like the new licensing deal had taken effect starting with Luke X-Wing. The only other thing I have to go on is Han and Luke Hoth being $10 more than the Scout Trooper. I hope the figure is $149.99 like R2, cause then I could say for sure I'd be buying it.
Also did they get rid of the $10 flat-rate shipping for US?
is the pricing going to be the same with luke xwing fighter?

We'll all know Tuesday when they post the pictures.

I'm sticking with $199.99. I think that's the ceiling for anyone to consider getting this guy. They should price him at $149 because some fools here would buy two thinking they'll display one on each side of their Vader.
We'll all know Tuesday when they post the pictures.

I'm sticking with $199.99. I think that's the ceiling for anyone to consider getting this guy. They should price him at $149 because some fools here would buy two thinking they'll display one on each side of their Vader.

Hey now, that wasn't very nice.

These won't be over $199.
I think Sideshow still has some catching up to do with Hot Toys in terms of head sculpts. IMO they are not as sharp, the paint jobs are not as good, and worst of all they are too large. Put side by side with a HT sculpt, the SS is about 5% bigger. HT heads might be slightly idealized in terms of relative head to body scale, but I think they just look better. I'm holding onto the Hoth Luke PO in order to see how it looks in hand and compared to the HT Luke. Even if the likeness and paint job are improved, I'm guessing it will still be 5% larger. In which case I will end up swapping out the body and head for a HT version and possibly a repaint, which is not fun after already spending $200 on a fig. But I like things to be consistent. It would be great to get both companies on the same page regarding head sizes especially if they are trying to have the lines complement one another for the most part. Or maybe Sideshow could simply outsource human head sculpts to Hot Toys's artists. Whatever works.

Back to the TIE fighter pilot, I don't want to wait 3-5 years for a Hot Toys version. I'll be fine with picking up the SS. But by the same token once the SS version has essentially sold through and starts shipping in a year, I don't want to see a Hot Toys TIE figure suddenly pop up that looks sharper, costs about the same, and guess what, has a 5% smaller helmet that fits in better with the HT Vader and stormtroopers.
Ok, Sideshow have produced some misses, no one will argue that. But of all the latest prototypes shown, Sideshow is absolutely annihilating Hot Toys in terms of likeness. There's just no comparison and you can take examples from Hot Toys entire line, not just the crap likenesses they've shown so far for Star Wars.
Sideshow maybe "annihilates" with their prototypes but their final products don't turn out that great. The Nathan Drake was a big disappointment and the Snake Plissken isn't looking much better from what's being shown thus far. Say what you like about Hot Toys (which you seem to like to be overly critical of them) but they deliver pretty much what they show if not a little better. From what I've seen the same can't be said for Sideshow. I'd like to hope the upcoming Hoth figures fare better but at this point I'm really skeptical.
I qualified all my comments and stand by them - I'm also as critical, if not more so, of Sideshow. Consistency between prototype and final production is surely important, no doubt about it. But when a company is willing to settle for a sub-standard design in the first place, that's very troubling, and Hot Toys has at least as long a track record of this. To think otherwise is to be selectively ignoring history.

I'd never even consider HT's Han Solo nor Ben Kenobi, and I assume production figures will look just as good (aka just as bad) as the prototypes. I'm very hopeful of Sideshow's Hoth figures as well, but if they don't hold up in production, I'll skip them. Simple as that. Seriously all this one company versus the other BS is boring. If someone's into that, then the company producing by far the best product at the moment is ThreeZero, they're shaming both HT and Sideshow on all fronts.
This was my favorite "trooper" from the OT, I will order this without a doubt.
SS is about 5% bigger.

In area or volume? That's some very precise measuring and it must have taken a long time to check every single figure. I'm not sure about the percentages, but there are at least a few Hot Toys figures that look like unnatural pin heads with bodies far too big for their heads. YMMV.
Will gladly add this to my collection.
Not waiting for a HT version with a helmet that's way too big.
Also double the price.
Bring it on Sideshow!
I qualified all my comments and stand by them - I'm also as critical, if not more so, of Sideshow. Consistency between prototype and final production is surely important, no doubt about it. But when a company is willing to settle for a sub-standard design in the first place, that's very troubling, and Hot Toys has at least as long a track record of this. To think otherwise is to be selectively ignoring history.

I'd never even consider HT's Han Solo nor Ben Kenobi, and I assume production figures will look just as good (aka just as bad) as the prototypes. I'm very hopeful of Sideshow's Hoth figures as well, but if they don't hold up in production, I'll skip them. Simple as that. Seriously all this one company versus the other BS is boring. If someone's into that, then the company producing by far the best product at the moment is ThreeZero, they're shaming both HT and Sideshow on all fronts.
I'm not trying to turn this into a Sideshow versus Hot Toys debate but I'm simply pointing out that Sideshow seems unable to deliver a figure that matches up to the prototype. At least with the human characters that seems largely true. They seem fine at robot type characters like the Probe Droid or the upcoming R2D2 and even masked characters like the various Troopers they do decent with but capturing a likeness in 1/6th form just seems to be something they need to work on. I'd love if the Hoth figures turn out great like I said and same with Luke in his X-Wing gear but at this point I just don't have a lot of faith in what they'll deliver until its actually out and looks as good as the prototypes they show.

Also it sort of seems like you're way too eager to write off Hot Toys. I realize that the prototypes may not be perfect for the figures they've revealed thus far, but I disagree about them delivering sub-standard products. A comment like that just comes off as someone wanting to hate to me. Hot Toys generally speaking delivers pretty good figures overall. Some better than others and not to say they don't have misses but they're overall fairly consistent. I think the Star Wars figures will come out better than we've seen so far.
Hot Toys generally speaking delivers pretty good figures overall. Some better than others and not to say they don't have misses but they're overall fairly consistent.

They do, but their sculpts are often IFFY at best. IMO, if you have a very critical eye, maybe 50/50. If you only want to count egregious examples, then maybe 80/20 or 85/15 (good/bad). I love the Hot Toys figures I have, no doubt about it, but I recognize their faults and accept them, but that doesn't mean I ignore them or have to keep silent about them. I mean, I love their Superman figure, it's one of the best sculpts they've ever done, but it's insanely stylized compared to the actor. Then you have the recent Solo and Kenobi - they're bad, far beyond stylized, they're just very off. Indy, Alice, a few Wolverines, a few Tony Starks, Thor, etc. They've produced some amazing figures with pretty poor likenesses. Always well painted though, I'll give them that.

A lot of people are willing to believe Hot Toys never does any wrong and can't get worse, while at the same time expecting Sideshow to repeatedly fail with an inability to improve. If only the world was so black and white. Then again, some people complain about their best work and likenesses, like the recent Alfred Pennyworth - it's easily one of the best head sculpts they have ever done.