1/6 Sideshow Star Wars TIE Fighter Pilot 1/6 Scale Figure

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were the two TIE pilots in ANH the same size?


I missed the Marmit TIE Pilot, however this will be a bit more expensive. May pick up the Marmit TIE in liu of the Sideshow version.

Hell, I'll wait for the reveal before I decide.
I hope that was a joke...

(...because they're not clones and I'm not getting into why they're not clones again).

If there is risk of infraction for posting a popcorn gif there should be an insta-ban for even suggesting OT troopers are clones. :)
BTW, in that photo, the one on the right is wearing lifts. ;)

And the one of the left is only 5' tall, but he's wearing high heels, stockings and suspenders.

(Just not enough women to go round on the Death Star so they all have to take turns).
In area or volume? That's some very precise measuring and it must have taken a long time to check every single figure. I'm not sure about the percentages, but there are at least a few Hot Toys figures that look like unnatural pin heads with bodies far too big for their heads. YMMV.

Not sure that "about" translates into "precise" or where the logic would be in my pulling out head sculpts and carefully measuring them against one another, but OK. I do, however, have an educational and professional background in both art and design and human anatomy so I have a pretty good knowledge of what constitutes relative size differences. I also have roughly 50 Sideshow figures and at least as many Hot Toys and in general Sideshow's head sculpts are let's say in the neighborhood of 5% larger. There may very well be +/- variations in that range, but unless I missed something I never said it was based on an empirical comparative study.

Yes there are Hot Toys pinheads for sure. Dutch comes to mind as well as G.I. Joe Roadblock -- I ended up swapping out the former, and never purchased the latter due to the inaccuracies in both head size and body type as well as limited interest in the film franchise. I also stated that Hot Toys head scale "might" be slightly idealized. However since I'm not going to take the time to carefully and precisely measure each actor and compare their head-to-body ratios, we'll just leave that in the "possibly" column as I would not want a casual word to be misconstrued as a statement of scientific fact.

But this is not a Hot Toys vs. Sideshow bashing exercise. I support both companies. There are really two points that I was making (from my personal opinion).

Point #1. When Sideshow was selling their 1:6 figures for $100 or so, I could be more forgiving of poor paint apps, looser sculpts and the relatively larger head size (the latter of which I know is based on their house scale when they started the line and HT either didn't exist or may have been just a small start-up). Up until a year or so ago SS's 1:6 figures were approximately 1/2 to 2/3 the price of Hot Toys (I'm not including large or complex figures like Iron Monger or Raynor). So if Sideshow is now going to charge $200+ for a figure one would expect them to deliver a figure of comparable or better quality to justify such a price hike. Right now there's an appearance of "this is where the market seems to be".

Point #2. Sideshow an Hot Toys "seem" to have entered into a gentlemen's agreement with the 1:6 Star Wars line in terms of reciprocal distribution, and to a degree, character selection. I think that's a good thing for collectors. What would be great (again in my opinion) would be to have the lines work together even more seamlessly, especially since the figures are now at a similar price point. To me that would mean head sculpts that are closer in scale, sculpt style and paint application as well as high quality tailoring. I would like to be able to display the lines together and not see glaring variations between pieces. Further, if both companies have agreed not to step on each others toes too much in terms of character selection (as HT apparently indicated in regards to R2D2) that should translate into a broader character selection (i.e. SS may end up focusing on droids, non-humanoid aliens, creatures like Taun tauns, helmeted soldiers like TIE pilots and Royal guards, environments, and PT characters, which would free up HT to focus on OT humans, essential characters like Vader, Boba, Yoda and Stormtroopers, and Ep VII-IX). Maybe that's wishful thinking, but to me that would be a nice compromise between the two companies, and would help alleviate the guessing/waiting game in deciding which company to buy a $200+ figure from.

Note: Photo is Just for comparison of a Luke vs. Luke vs. Luke. I fully know the first SS is an older sculpt that was in the $70 or so range. The SS Hoth proto certainly looks miles better, but need to wait for an in-hand production piece to see if it's $200 worth. I hope so, which is why I have not cancelled. But I still think the HT looks better than the SS Hoth but will have to see.
BTW, in that photo, the one on the right is wearing lifts. ;)

That goes without saying. Any time there is another character close to Vader they are standing on boxes since Dave Prowse is about 7 foot shoeless and the helmet and boots makes him 7' 10". At least. :exactly:
Dave Prowse is about 7 foot shoeless and the helmet and boots makes him 7' 10". At least. :exactly:

I heard that many scenes had to be filmed outdoors because there simply were no ceilings tall enough on the sets to accommodate the extra height added by the costume.
But I still think the HT looks better than the SS Hoth but will have to see.

A lot of people have an art background BTW, including this guy (and engineering too). :wave Let's forget the whole percentage thing - I think it's preposterous. I'm also not one to forgive poor quality because of price. When something is bad, it's just bad, there's no excuse.

We agree that everyone has to step up their game and it would be ideal and an enormous win for the consumer if everything displayed well together. I'm hopeful, but that's about as far as it goes. Both companies have shown that there can be issues displaying even their own products together, let alone those of another producer. What you've mentioned as a possible gentleman's agreement is surely spelled out in a contract and I'm sure it's binding. These guys aren't operating multi-million dollar distribution and licensing deals based on handshakes.

I accept that you prefer the HT Bespin Luke to SS's Hoth Luke, but I don't think there's any question about which one looks more like Mark Hamill from ESB, nor which one looks more photo-realistic. Maybe Sideshow's contracted factory won't pull it off in the end, who knows? But hand it to Trevor Grove for having produced hands down the best Hamill likeness ever seen in 1/6 scale.
I heard that many scenes had to be filmed outdoors because there simply were no ceilings tall enough on the sets to accommodate the extra height added by the costume.

Yes, in fact the only man made objects on earth visible from the moon are the great wall and Darth Vader.
That goes without saying. Any time there is another character close to Vader they are standing on boxes since Dave Prowse is about 7 foot shoeless and the helmet and boots makes him 7' 10". At least. :exactly:

David Prowse is around 6'6" - 6'7". Costume would put him around the 6'10" mark.