Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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I think/hope only Hasbro is dumb enough to make GI Joe Movie toys.

I used to think that too but stopped after a rather painful experience. I remember seeing a certain movie whose license was picked up by Jakks who made craptastic toys to match the movie. Then low and behold, Sideshow announced their acquisition of the license...

That painful experience was Van Helsing. :lol
I used to think that too but stopped after a rather painful experience. I remember seeing a certain movie whose license was picked up by Jakks who made craptastic toys to match the movie. Then low and behold, Sideshow announced their acquisition of the license...

That painful experience was Van Helsing. :lol

directed by the same hack who is directing the Gijoe train wreck...
I used to think that too but stopped after a rather painful experience. I remember seeing a certain movie whose license was picked up by Jakks who made craptastic toys to match the movie. Then low and behold, Sideshow announced their acquisition of the license...

That painful experience was Van Helsing. :lol

oh, man. so true. and i really like bad movies in the sense that sometimes they can be fun to watch/laugh at/mock, etc but that movie...that movie made me want to stab something in the eye. and the mummy 2...and 3...also stephen sommers related. wait a minute i'm deteciting a pattern. gah! the true horror has begun to sink in.
Thank you to whoever canceled their preorder. My waitlist just converted. I missed the exclusive by mere minutes during the PPO.
So I'm not the only one who sees the pattern here...:p

Stephen Sommers has quite a unique talent. It's gotta take something special to be given characters like the Universal Monsters and G.I. Joe to play with and churn out complete and utter crap.

Special as in short-bus special, of course.
Stephen Sommers has quite a unique talent. It's gotta take something special to be given characters like the Universal Monsters and G.I. Joe to play with and churn out complete and utter crap.

Special as in short-bus special, of course.

It's like he runs polls somewhere at one of the cons. "Now what's the best way I could piss off all the loyal fans and $#%& up an easy win?"
I think it's funny that Michael Bay is even more of a hack than Stephen Sommers and the changes he made on "Transformers" were very much in-line with what Sommers is doing, the fanboys took him to task for it at the time and then the movie came out and it was the big, loud, dumb and obnoxious popcorn crap everyone feared and the fanboys ate it up. Of course there are people who still criticize "Transformers" but with the vast majority of the fanbase you have these very valid pre-release concerns that are just ignored in the face of the geekgasm that comes along with seeing these toys in a movie.

I suspect the same thing will happen here. People will ^^^^^ and moan and they'll probably be right but most of those very people will just geek out over seeing Snake Eyes "in the flesh" in a big glossy theatrical production.

Personally, I'm buying all these Sideshow GI Joes for nostalgia. I'm not a huge GI Joe fan, I have no encyclopedic knowledge of the Marvel series, I'd be hard-pressed to differentiate a DiC episode from a Sunbow episode and I'll probably never watch the movie for the same reason I don't watch video game movies. I just personally think it's a tad ridiculous that people would even expect a "GI Joe" movie to be good in the first place and treat these characters like they're sacred.

Take Cobra Commander, for example. The character's new look is hugely controversial. I'm a fan of the hooded look myself and in terms of the Sideshow figures I think it's cooler than Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. If I was making a "GI Joe" movie that's how my Cobra Commander would look but I'm not going to get all butthurt over the change. I remember from being a kid that Cobra Commander wore a new suit like every 2 years.

Then you have the whole Marlon Wayans controversey. This whole thing is flawed in two ways. First of all, Marlon Wayans is enormously talented. He's in a bunch of stupid ^^^^ I can't stand but his work in "Requiem for a Dream" arguably puts him at the very top of the cast in regards to acting ability. Christopher Eccleston, Jonathan Pryce and maybe Joseph Gordon-Levitt are up there but still, the dude doesn't need to do anything but put that performance on if he wants to shut the naysayers up. Secondly, he's playing comedic relief and while I can't stand most of the stuff he's done I'm a huge fan of Joel & Ethan Coen and I think he's hilarious in "The Ladykillers" (which is even one of their worst movies) so I fail to see the problem in his casting. I think there's good cause for concern that his comedy will be more along the lines of the "Scary Movie" variety (I'm sure it will be as dumb as those movies, just not as vulgar, obviously) but even if that's the case Wayans wouldn't be to blame. I'm not expecting Coen-quality comedy in "GI Joe" but it's not Marlon Wayans who will be to blame if that's the case.

Ultimately there are things that are a bit disappointing (again, as much as the new CC look doesn't bother me I do have my own CC look preference) and others are promising (Ray Park as SE is pretty damn perfect casting) it's still a major summer blockbuster based on a bunch of little plastic pieces. It's never going to be a great movie, it's a product being pumped out by the Hollywood machine to get your money just like the toys were products manufactured by toy companies to get your money.
I think it's funny that Michael Bay is even more of a hack than Stephen Sommers and the changes he made on "Transformers" were very much in-line with what Sommers is doing, the fanboys took him to task for it at the time and then the movie came out and it was the big, loud, dumb and obnoxious popcorn crap everyone feared and the fanboys ate it up. Of course there are people who still criticize "Transformers" but with the vast majority of the fanbase you have these very valid pre-release concerns that are just ignored in the face of the geekgasm that comes along with seeing these toys in a movie.

I suspect the same thing will happen here. People will ^^^^^ and moan and they'll probably be right but most of those very people will just geek out over seeing Snake Eyes "in the flesh" in a big glossy theatrical production.

Personally, I'm buying all these Sideshow GI Joes for nostalgia. I'm not a huge GI Joe fan, I have no encyclopedic knowledge of the Marvel series, I'd be hard-pressed to differentiate a DiC episode from a Sunbow episode and I'll probably never watch the movie for the same reason I don't watch video game movies. I just personally think it's a tad ridiculous that people would even expect a "GI Joe" movie to be good in the first place and treat these characters like they're sacred.

Take Cobra Commander, for example. The character's new look is hugely controversial. I'm a fan of the hooded look myself and in terms of the Sideshow figures I think it's cooler than Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. If I was making a "GI Joe" movie that's how my Cobra Commander would look but I'm not going to get all butthurt over the change. I remember from being a kid that Cobra Commander wore a new suit like every 2 years.

Then you have the whole Marlon Wayans controversey. This whole thing is flawed in two ways. First of all, Marlon Wayans is enormously talented. He's in a bunch of stupid ^^^^ I can't stand but his work in "Requiem for a Dream" arguably puts him at the very top of the cast in regards to acting ability. Christopher Eccleston, Jonathan Pryce and maybe Joseph Gordon-Levitt are up there but still, the dude doesn't need to do anything but put that performance on if he wants to shut the naysayers up. Secondly, he's playing comedic relief and while I can't stand most of the stuff he's done I'm a huge fan of Joel & Ethan Coen and I think he's hilarious in "The Ladykillers" (which is even one of their worst movies) so I fail to see the problem in his casting. I think there's good cause for concern that his comedy will be more along the lines of the "Scary Movie" variety (I'm sure it will be as dumb as those movies, just not as vulgar, obviously) but even if that's the case Wayans wouldn't be to blame. I'm not expecting Coen-quality comedy in "GI Joe" but it's not Marlon Wayans who will be to blame if that's the case.

Ultimately there are things that are a bit disappointing (again, as much as the new CC look doesn't bother me I do have my own CC look preference) and others are promising (Ray Park as SE is pretty damn perfect casting) it's still a major summer blockbuster based on a bunch of little plastic pieces. It's never going to be a great movie, it's a product being pumped out by the Hollywood machine to get your money just like the toys were products manufactured by toy companies to get your money.

There is just so much wrong with that post I don't even know where to begin.

I guess we could start with this...

"Marlon Wayans is enormously talented."

:confused: :horror :lol
There is just so much wrong with that post I don't even know where to begin.

I guess we could start with this...

"Marlon Wayans is enormously talented."

:confused: :horror :lol

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Transformers had vehicles that transformed into robots and came from Cybertron. They also gave enough of a $#!+ about the fans to have Optimus not only remain a truck but also be voiced by none other than David Kaye, the voice actor from the cartoon. This at least shows some loyalty. G.I. Joe has a bunch of Iron Mans in it as well as RoboCop. Cobra Commander looks like some sort of cheap ripoff of a Cenobite from the sucktacular Hellraiser IV and Destro looks like a Man In The Iron Mask ripoff. They've also removed the "A Real American Hero" and made them some stupid UN team.

It's funny how people who make comments like that don't really follow what's being said, yet don't hesitate to open their mouths and spew diarrhea about something which they're clearly not familiar with.
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