Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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There is just so much wrong with that post I don't even know where to begin.

Yeah, I didn't have to read too much of it to realize that there wouldn't be much sense in responding point by point. You can obviously make a good movie about even the thinnest of subject matter, as the spectacular first Pirates of the Caribbean movie and many others have shown over the years. You can't make a good or exciting movie about a crack special forces team who battles high tech terrorists? Everyone's entitled to their opinion I suppose...
There is just so much wrong with that post I don't even know where to begin.

I guess we could start with this...

"Marlon Wayans is enormously talented."

:confused: :horror :lol

I take it you haven't seen "Requiem for a Dream" because it doesn't have wizards, capes, monsters or robots in it.

But again, Marlon Wayans is enormously talented.

But go back to your endless ^^^^^fests about how Hollywood is treating a "GI Joe" movie like a dumb summer blockbuster. WHAT AN INJUSTICE!
I take it you haven't seen "Requiem for a Dream" because it doesn't have wizards, capes, monsters or robots in it.

But again, Marlon Wayans is enormously talented.

But go back to your endless ^^^^^fests about how Hollywood is treating a "GI Joe" movie like a dumb summer blockbuster. WHAT AN INJUSTICE!

Nah, the movie just looks like its going to suck big time.
I take it you haven't seen "Requiem for a Dream" because it doesn't have wizards, capes, monsters or robots in it.

But again, Marlon Wayans is enormously talented.

But go back to your endless ^^^^^fests about how Hollywood is treating a "GI Joe" movie like a dumb summer blockbuster. WHAT AN INJUSTICE!

The question of whether or not he can act is, at this point, irrelevant. Marlon couldn't act his way out of this toiletbowl of a movie if he was Geoffrey Rush. You can polish a turd all you want, in the end, regardless of how shiny it looks, it's still $#!+.
:lecture :lecture :lecture

Transformers had vehicles that transformed into robots and came from Cybertron. They also gave enough of a $#!+ about the fans to have Optimus not only remain a truck but also be voiced by none other than David Kaye, the voice actor from the cartoon. This at least shows some loyalty. G.I. Joe has a bunch of Iron Mans in it as well as RoboCop. Cobra Commander looks like some sort of cheap ripoff of a Cenobite from the sucktacular Hellraiser IV and Destro looks like a Man In The Iron Mask ripoff. They've also removed the "A Real American Hero" and made them some stupid UN team.

It's funny how people who make comments like that don't really follow what's being said, yet don't hesitate to open their mouths and spew diarrhea about something which they're clearly not familiar with.

If you're talking about the live-action TF movie with Shia Lebouf, that was Peter Cullen as Optimus - the original voice from the 80's Transformers cartoon. Kaye has voiced Optimus previously in different Transformers series, but he was never the original Prime.

Sorry, but my inner nerd demanded satisfaction :D
:lecture :lecture :lecture

Transformers had vehicles that transformed into robots and came from Cybertron. They also gave enough of a $#!+ about the fans to have Optimus not only remain a truck but also be voiced by none other than David Kaye, the voice actor from the cartoon. This at least shows some loyalty. G.I. Joe has a bunch of Iron Mans in it as well as RoboCop. Cobra Commander looks like some sort of cheap ripoff of a Cenobite from the sucktacular Hellraiser IV and Destro looks like a Man In The Iron Mask ripoff. They've also removed the "A Real American Hero" and made them some stupid UN team.

It's funny how people who make comments like that don't really follow what's being said, yet don't hesitate to open their mouths and spew diarrhea about something which they're clearly not familiar with.

Oh....the irony....

Peter Cullen voiced Prime not David Kaye. :lol
Oh....the irony....

Peter Cullen voiced Prime not David Kaye. :lol

So I got the names mixed up. I'm not above admitting that. :lol But I didn't go run and post that in the Transformers forum either (never was really a fan of the cartoon anyways). Nevertheless, you really can't compare the two films because at it's heart, the movie was still Transformers. This is only G.I. Joe in name.
Storm Shadow's going to be badass! From a Proto standpoint he's my favorite looking figure so far.
Extra head is unnessary, imo, but it's definitely cool to have. Seems like and of the others could've benefitted more from an extra head. The Trooper could've even had a completely different portarait to entice people to buy two. Anyway, minor rant but Stormy definitely looks killer!!!
He looks awesome. He could use a bit of personal tweaks, but the proto looks just as he should, a Ninja.
I love everything except the headsculpt (which just looks like a botched Temuera Morrison likeness to me), but I can live with it. And I'm SO GLAD it's not the lame Devil's Due design.

Can't wait for this one, either. :rock
Even thought Snake Eyes is my fave from an execution standpoint I think Storm Shadow and the Cobra Trooper are the best figures. Of course they're also the two that are truest to their classic designs.
Even thought Snake Eyes is my fave from an execution standpoint I think Storm Shadow and the Cobra Trooper are the best figures. Of course they're also the two that are truest to their classic designs.

considering the vast amount of SS Gijoe figs we have thats not saying much! :D:lol
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