Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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Man Quick Kick would always get his handed to him with every attempt at Storm Shadow, he was just no match.
He would look...inarticulate.

I can't believe the unmasked head wasn't the exclusive. Of course, then no one would have wanted the exclusive (and yes, I know someone would have wanted it, but one would have wanted it).

They should have given him a tanto or something. Like dagger for his belt like the 25th Anniversary figure. Anything. But not the nunchuks, damn it.
As everyone knows, only Spirit can challenge Storm Shadow's ninja skills.

Then by that rational, Snake Eyes was a sissy who could continually be bested by only two cobra troops. Rewatching the series makes me realize just how incompetent they were when it came to handling everyone's specialized skill classes for the cartoons. :lol
SE got taken by two regular Cobra Troopers?

Yup. There was an episode where Snake Eyes and, I believe it was Flint (don't quote me) were sneaking into a Cobra base. 4 regular troopers run up, 2 each, and best both Joes, taking them prisoner afterward. Then there's the whole Shipwreck episodes where he dresses like Boy George to escape a measly 4 troopers, etc. I even found it frustrating as a kid, having known what ninjas were because of Sho Kosugi's movies, American Ninja and TV shows like The Master.
Then by that rational, Snake Eyes was a sissy who could continually be bested by only two cobra troops. Rewatching the series makes me realize just how incompetent they were when it came to handling everyone's specialized skill classes for the cartoons. :lol

well if we are going to base everything from the cartoons then I'm calling Serpentor for my team. I mean he seems to be the only one that can aim plus his impaling cobra snakes put people into comas everybody else just misses their targets and are useless unless they are up against a robot or alien. :monkey3
i grew up on the cartoon not the comics so i have great love for it but yeah even as a little kids i picked up on the fact that a lot of it didn't fit but i still enjoyed it . . . . well not the snake as boy george that just went to far and so did the cobra rock band
Yup. There was an episode where Snake Eyes and, I believe it was Flint (don't quote me) were sneaking into a Cobra base. 4 regular troopers run up, 2 each, and best both Joes, taking them prisoner afterward. Then there's the whole Shipwreck episodes where he dresses like Boy George to escape a measly 4 troopers, etc. I even found it frustrating as a kid, having known what ninjas were because of Sho Kosugi's movies, American Ninja and TV shows like The Master.

:lol that's weak...

Well my all time favorite GI JOE was definitely Storm Shadow, I thought of him to be the ultimate badass, I love his voice during the cartoon as well it was like swift and silent but cunning and smart.

Firefly was my second fav and then SE but I've seen/read Firefly getting out smarted too many times for him to be a all time fav like Storm Shadow. I think I still have like 6... 1984 Storm Shadow figures stored away waiting for a great display some day.
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