Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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The original figures bow clipped onto the back of the quiver.


That would've been a cool feature to carry over, but I don't imagine I'll miss it. I am anxious as hell for this guy though. It'll nice having something classic around with all that movie caca still polluting the pegs in stores.
Sorry to say that I'm canceling my Ex. :( It was a torturous decision, but I have to be very picky about what figures I'm going to be getting. I have a list of absolute must haves and I'm going to try to stick to it.

Hopefully one you guys will get their waitlist converted.

Does that mean you're out of GI Joe completely? Because of all Joe characters to cancel he's probably one of the 2 or 3 who'd be LAST to go for me.

Does that mean you're out of GI Joe completely? Because of all Joe characters to cancel he's probably one of the 2 or 3 who'd be LAST to go for me.

Aw, Khev! Why are you torturing me?!?

Yes, Storm Shadow was the last GI Joe I had PO'd and am canceling. I really wanted to keep him but I have to be good and stick to my list! I still have the original figure from when it first came out back in my Mom's house, and Sideshow's looks damn good, but I'm sticking with Star Wars and Indy. I'm happy with the way my collection is shaping up, and in order to keep it tight, I have to make some hard choices! And unfortunately right now it means no Joes.

Who knows, though. Once Scarlett or Cover Girl come out, I may have to re-evaluate things!
I love the JOE line but have verry little fath that sideshow will keep it going.Just like the Lord of the Rings line.
the problem was how long it took for LOTR to come out, and once the films were history in peoples minds, the big LOTR burst of fandom slowly started to die off.

Joe has lasted for more than 50 years. sideshow said the target was 4 releases a year minimum, as opposed to 1 release every 16 months. I think it will be fine.
Aw, Khev! Why are you torturing me?!?

Yes, Storm Shadow was the last GI Joe I had PO'd and am canceling. I really wanted to keep him but I have to be good and stick to my list! I still have the original figure from when it first came out back in my Mom's house, and Sideshow's looks damn good, but I'm sticking with Star Wars and Indy. I'm happy with the way my collection is shaping up, and in order to keep it tight, I have to make some hard choices! And unfortunately right now it means no Joes.

Who knows, though. Once Scarlett or Cover Girl come out, I may have to re-evaluate things!

Personally bud, I'd cancel Indy LONG before letting the Joe line go. Indy's already got both feet in the grave. The fact that the exclusives are still there is testament. With a horrible likeness for Belloq, a less than stellar Ark (Hasbro kicked their ass) and of all things, Jones in German disguise, Sideshow's loosing more orders than gaining. Now they're putting out the "must haves" with old Indy and Henry Sr. They've already stated that Sallah and Marion are long shots and they're treating TOD like it's got scabies, so I don't see that line going much further.

This line will be dead before Scarlett or Cover Girl ever come out.

I guess that would all depend on whether or not they get some form of updated body for the women. Though I don't see this happening for years to come.

Lol, Joe sells, LOTR didnt.

:lecture:lecture:lecture The more I think about it, the less I think people have the right to blame Sideshow for LOTR's 1:6 line tanking. When all is said and done, it was the LOTR collectors who bailed on the line. With outstanding figures like the Hobbits and Gandalf rotting on the website for as long as they did, at the quality they are, I really don't blame Sideshow as much as the flaky LOTR collectors. Now compare that to this where, four figures in, including the crappy SDCC Ex, we have yet to see a 2nd Chance on anything.
Aw, Khev! Why are you torturing me?!?

Just making sure you aren't about to make a move you'll later regret! SS is part of the "fab five" of GI Joe (along with SE, Duke, FF, and CC if you go by selling prices of the vintage figures) but I can understand cancelling if you're dropping Joes in favor of other lines. You still might want to just keep it for the rewards points and then make a few extra bucks more by selling it. You might even make a fellow board member happy by offering if for a slight markup. ;)
Wow, I really hope Firefly is next.... He'd look badass next to Storm Shadow. Hell the 'Fly would look badass next to anything.
As much as I wouldn't mind Firefly and as cool as he is, I really hope we get a few back-to-back Joe announcements before we see him. They need to even things out a bit.
Apart from Snake Eyes and Scarlett, I like Breaker most of all of the original 13 figures. If released, he should come with two heads--one bearded (cartoon/toy), one clean (comic), with removable bubble gum bubble for the comic head. He seemed to be a major player in nearly every early comic issue.
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