Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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I was originally going to do this, but I just can't justify opening a $100+ figure. I have done loose toys/12" and I just end up losing interest and selling them for much less than what I paid.

I sold the exc snake eyes though, I just didn't care about the dagger hand. So I have 2 regulars of him.

Are you buying these as an investment? If so, why would you sell the exclusive one and keep 2 originals? The exclusive will be worth more than the regular. It doesnt make sense.
I would be storing both away, not just one, and I enjoy having both, otherwise I would only get the one.

I spend thousands on toys and never open them either, I guess that's silly too :D
Are you buying these as an investment? If so, why would you sell the exclusive one and keep 2 originals? The exclusive will be worth more than the regular. It doesnt make sense.

No, not an investment, like I said earlier I am a diehard fan, and originally was going to have a sealed exc, a regular to open and a reg to sell, then the 3 got too pricey for me so I decided only to get 2, with one to open and one to keep mib. And like I said I couldn't open it, because it is an expensive figure, and couldn't justify opening it for something I am not going to do anything with, so mib both stay. If I decide down the road to sell the set, then I will but for now I have 2 of each, one exc and one reg (except for SE, because his exc wasn't important to me, and I got enough to pay for half of the other regular as well)
you can buy my empty boxes ($50 each) and they look almost exactly the same. I can even toss a rock in them to simulate the weight.
same situation with any toy or figure

I guess someone could seal an empty G.I. Joe USS Flagg and sell it for $15k.

It is having the item, obviously I look at the item, and maybe one day display it with the box opened (where you can see the figure in the window) but having 3 already and 3 more on order with who knows how many more it is a very space consuming display.

Just the box, c'mon, I know I am not the only MIB collector, people tend to get more butthurt when it comes to keepin 1/6 figures in the box, but I see it just as another MOC figure like a 1984 Stormshadow MOC.

Also, not that I plan on selling EITHER of the 2 I have, but in the case that it might happen, it is nice to have more value behind them. I have had many situations where I had to sell stuff, I sold my entire Sideshow collection a couple years ago because I got injured at work and the workers comp just wasn't paying the bills.

Because I am not a kid anymore that likes to play with toys?

I could say the same thing about anyone who opens their toys.

It is our money to do as we deem fit. Crazy how defensive some people get because I spend $200 on 2 figures that I keep in the box, in storage. If I wanted to burn them , I should be able to do that as well.
your money to do as seen fit, not sure why you're surprised though that people think its silly to spend money on something you throw in the closet...let alone 2 of them. :lol.
EVILFACE and King have some great display options. Both look museum quality (especially King's) and neither keep their figures in the boxes. As a matter of fact, last time I was at a museum, just last weekend, they don't have things displayed in the boxes either, but loose in glass cases, if in cases at all. :huh
Wow, keeping toys in their package is weird, I think it is weird that you apparantly never heard of other collectors keeping their stuff in the package.

I think some would be more concerned with grown men opening toys and playing with them, then seeing them as something of value.

Of course I see this as a hobby, but these aren't toys you get at the 99cent store, they also have value, and if you don't believe that look at the thousands and thousands of items on ebay, or if you have ever been to a convention, these aren't are $2.99 joes anymore.
your money to do as seen fit, not sure why you're surprised though that people think its silly to spend money on something you throw in the closet...let alone 2 of them. :lol.

That sounds like my ex-girlfriend and shoes. :rolleyes: Me, I could wear sandals all year.
EVILFACE and King have some great display options. Both look museum quality (especially King's) and neither keep their figures in the boxes. As a matter of fact, last time I was at a museum, just last weekend, they don't have things displayed in the boxes either, but loose in glass cases, if in cases at all. :huh

I am sure they do, and I have seen many as well, but not something I want or plan to do. I love looking at dioramas, I see the artistic style people put into them, but again not something for me.

I recently got back into toys with the 25th Joe line, and have every carded, and boxed figure, and every vehicle they put out, I will eventually get the ROC figures as well, and will keep them all in package, just looks better in my opinion. I bought, opened and played with toys as a kid, but I am pass it, I don't judge others that still do it when they are 30+ years old, but I see a pretty immature child in that grown up that can't understand why some decide not to open them.
your money to do as seen fit, not sure why you're surprised though that people think its silly to spend money on something you throw in the closet...let alone 2 of them. :lol.

I think it is silly to open them, let alone army builders that get a whole hell of a lot more than 2.
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