Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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1/6 figures should not be kept in the box. But whatever makes you happy.

Thank you :joy It does make me VERY happy, otherwise why do it.

Oh and if I did happen to open any of the 1/6 figures I open I guarantee that my wife will comment on them being dolls.
I don't plan on selling 25th joes either, I am a completist, I started with the first couple of waves and couldn't stop.

I don't remember saying I was selling off my Joe collection...did I:confused: I thought I said I was a diehard Joe fan.
You said that you sold your loose figures for a loss, implying that keeping them boxed was a good investment and that opening them was not.
I sold the loose joes because I did not want them anymore, I did not like them in seperate bags, I did not like them displayed, so I got rid of them, and am completely happy with the carded ones I still have in a star case.

I will never sell my Joe collection, unless for financial reasons, which can happen. Plus when selling them I do not expect to get much, but that isn't exactly where I plan on getting my money from anyways, I got plenty of comics and statues that will fetch much more than figures released 2 years ago. And if I did HAD to sell them I would eventually hunt them down, same with the 12" SS Joes.
A punch to the stomach fixes that.


Wow, keeping toys in their package is weird, I think it is weird that you apparantly never heard of other collectors keeping their stuff in the package.

I think some would be more concerned with grown men opening toys and playing with them, then seeing them as something of value.

Of course I see this as a hobby, but these aren't toys you get at the 99cent store, they also have value, and if you don't believe that look at the thousands and thousands of items on ebay, or if you have ever been to a convention, these aren't are $2.99 joes anymore.

that's the thing, there is this preconceived notion held by certain people that if you leave them in the box it somehow makes you seem "more grown up" or some such pretentious nonsense. This mindset generaly stems from some inner uncomfortableness that the collector has with like the things he is into due to some strange social stigma. The truth of the matter is that If you collect, you're a geek, period. Accept it, and move on. Welcome to the brotherhood of otaku, where we eat nothing but ramen for 6 weeks so we can afford that must have collectable.
So whenever ANY MIBBER shows up, people get defensive, because, as they say, "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch"
If you like them in the box, beuase you're just OCD about it, and like eerything nice and orderly, more power to you. I'll still scratch my head about it, but hey, what ever floats your banana.

1/6 figures should not be kept in the box. But whatever makes you happy.

EF is wize, I think we need to make him Presadent.
Boxed 25th Joes aren't going for much right now, either.

Most of these are sub-retail and BBTS can't get rid of them:

Not that I am arguing that boxed figures don't maintain more of a value in the long-term than loose figures. They do. But your argument seems to be that keeping the 25th Joes boxed was a good investment, and I disagree.

heh, good to know i can get the ones i missed out on and finish the collection. my future kids are going to be happy with them :D

Thank you :joy It does make me VERY happy, otherwise why do it.

Oh and if I did happen to open any of the 1/6 figures I open I guarantee that my wife will comment on them being dolls.

Face facts.

All action figures are Dolls.
Not all Dolls are action figures
All Sideshow figures are Dolls.
that's the thing, there is this preconceived notion held by certain people that if you leave them in the box it somehow makes you seem "more grown up" or some such pretentious nonsense. This mindset generaly stems from some inner uncomfortableness that the collector has with like the things he is into due to some strange social stigma. The truth of the matter is that If you collect, you're a geek, period. Accept it, and move on. Welcome to the brotherhood of otaku, where we eat nothing but ramen for 6 weeks so we can afford that must have collectable.
So whenever ANY MIBBER shows up, people get defensive, because, as they say, "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch"
If you like them in the box, beuase you're just OCD about it, and like eerything nice and orderly, more power to you. I'll still scratch my head about it, but hey, what ever floats your banana.

EF is wize, I think we need to make him Presadent.

I am a closet geek, I'll admit, I don't flaunt my collection to the world, I don't tell everyone I collect toys comics and statues, I don't do it for them I do it for me, just like tattoos, I got 3 but never show them off to people unless asked specifically.

I definitely don't think people who open toys are grown men with problems, I just commented that there are some if not many not in this hobby that do believe it. I like my collection neat and orderly, I don't even go to comic shops that are messy, I used to work in the WBSS Gallery and just love the look of everything nice and orderly. Well displayed well lit, clean, I just don't see it with a loose collection, I never will, I have tried, trust me, I have, but I am over that when I moved out and got my own place.

And I don't know what OCD is:confused:
heh, good to know i can get the ones i missed out on and finish the collection. my future kids are going to be happy with them :D

Face facts.

All action figures are Dolls.
Not all Dolls are action figures
All Sideshow figures are Dolls.

I don't mind, but I always just call them 12" figures. I don't always like to hear that they are referred to as dolls, especially since they are so dang expensive, but I agree that's what they are technically.

I only started recently with 1/6 scale, (I had the 21st century swat and WWII figures that came out like 10years ago when I was working at Toys R Us, opened those too, but ended up selliung after awhile, cuz I just don't care about loose figures) I do really want the Hot Toys Batman figures, and really consider opening them, but then I will be right back in the same situation with the Joes, will I be able to justify it...probably not, but who knows.
Changing topics slightly...


This figure is REALLY going to be badass!!! :rock :rock :rock

ok my bad, I just egg them on I guess. I have spent more than enough time talking why I buy things, and how I keep them :confused:

So I will stop, I only really come to this forum, because statueforum doesn't talk much about 1/6 Joes, and I am looking forward to the whole line which hopefully lasts many years, I didn't think it would lead to such a long conversation....(short to many, but long for me)

oh and can't wait for my 2 to come in the next week or two!! Gonna look so pretty all boxed up and shiny :rotfl:lol
I know plenty of MOC/MISB collectors.

And it is nothing similar to collecting hygeine products imo, if someone does that, my bad. :peace

Ya I kinda of think those comparisons are unjust

And I dont keep them in the box for to keep value, Id be better off buying currency
chucks are like ninja dildos. any real man doesn't need them to do the job. guess your storm shadow disagrees.....;)
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