Oddly, as excited as I am about Vader... I'm kind of more excited about these stormtroopers. Something about them, the detail, and that cloth belt.
Oddly, as excited as I am about Vader... I'm kind of more excited about these stormtroopers. Something about them, the detail, and that cloth belt.
Its the small details. They look just like the real thing the way the plastic shines. Outstanding job.
How you gonna buy 4 if they only allow 2 per person? Have they ever allowed more than that??
Are they using the new body on Stormie? I heard Vader is a prototype body but is the Stormie on Buck? Hope not...
No armor figure will be on the Buck, they will be on the Armor version of the Pro which is a more skeletal body.
Anyone care to speculate on the Ex. for this one? I can't think of anything.