Premium Format Sideshow Sucker Punch BABYDOLL PF!

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Yes! We have the BG seal of approval! :D:lol :hi5:

I'm really liking the base on this one! :D

I really like the pose as well. It perfectly portrays BD's flight for life circumstances that she was enduring during her battle scenes in the movie.

:goodpost: I agree. The base is a perfect compliment to the action pose. This piece is a lock for me. I really like everything about it. I think this piece surpasses the GG BD piece on just about every level.

Just quoting you all for your awesomeness!
Wonderful! Absolutely fantastic! This shall likely be my first Sideshow product and boy does it look great! I love how dynamic the pose is. I get tired of seeing superheroes and movie characters just standing stiffly like Ultron and such. This action orientated pose is excellent and will look terrific on display!

Those criticizing the pose may want to actually look in the mirror sometime. Unless you're very out of shape a pose like this does not require extreme flexibility or anything like that. It is also very obviously in the middle of some greater action. It's not like she is just standing there in that pose for an hour. If practicality is your issue, then you watched the wrong movie since the dream sequence has her jumping hundreds of feet in the air and fighting massive Gatling gun wielding samurai.

My only issue is that her right eye is looking a little too far. It looks fine at angled views but not at direct views. Also the katana seems a tad bit too short but that's no big deal.


About her right eye, i had a look and i think it's cos our eyes arent symetrical when both looking in the same direction, we have that pink area on the inside beside the nose but not on the outside, so the right eye desn't have that pink area beside the pupil which can give the illusion of them not being in proportionate distance.

Hey guys, how about we PO this BD and make it sell out as soon as possible, that could be a way to let SSC know that this piece is so popular and they have to make the rest of the girls??? :p

Who's in? :clap

I'm in :yess:
Here's a comparison of the GG and SS versions. I know that the SS is a prototype, but it still gives an idea of the differences.

This was originally posted at SF:


I hope they do Rocket next, you of the only girls on the team to have actual importance? She was my favorite in the team and I think she did the best acting wise too. I also believe her to overall be the second most significant as she was a support for Babydoll throughout. I really hate the Amber stuff since while one of the main characters obviously, to pick her before Pea and Rocket is ridiculous.

Oh and I forgot to mention how great the base is. Man I love it.
Yeah, I posted the other day about SSC never completed any line except TMNT and AH! comiquettes. Maybe there are a few other lines that they completed but can't remember. I really hope they make the rest of the SP girls.

The AH! Line is far from finished, know of many girls who still needs his treatment, the comiquette girls since mark is just awful, looks like they concentrate more on other license.
I have made peace in my mind, if she comes in 3 or 4 qoutal she is mine:)
Rocket would be a great follow up. Would you guys have any interest in some of the creatures they faced? As long as they make the 5, I'll be happy.
Rocket would be a great follow up. Would you guys have any interest in some of the creatures they faced? As long as they make the 5, I'll be happy.

I would love the samurai with a gatling gun since that is seriously why I went to see the movie, but I know he'd be ridiculously expensive due to his massive size.
I hope they do Rocket next, you of the only girls on the team to have actual importance? She was my favorite in the team and I think she did the best acting wise too. I also believe her to overall be the second most significant as she was a support for Babydoll throughout. I really hate the Amber stuff since while one of the main characters obviously, to pick her before Pea and Rocket is ridiculous.

Oh and I forgot to mention how great the base is. Man I love it.

Yes, but Rocket was the least attractive of the girls. :)
I would love the samurai with a gatling gun since that is seriously why I went to see the movie, but I know he'd be ridiculously expensive due to his massive size.

Yeah probably. Well at least we got his head! Or one of their heads. Not sure which one.
The AH! Line is far from finished, know of many girls who still needs his treatment, the comiquette girls since mark is just awful, looks like they concentrate more on other license.
I have made peace in my mind, if she comes in 3 or 4 qoutal she is mine:)

BD will definately get ship in 3rd or 4th quarter. There are chanses it could be delay till 1st 2013. Who knows...
Has a very low chance of happening unless the line sells like mad, in which case it'd probably be the size of a LSF :horror

I don't really understand how these things are made so maybe this doesn't make sense, but if they made him more or less hollow (since it is a suit of armor), would that significantly cut down the costs? Is it even possible to do that?