Premium Format Sideshow Sucker Punch BABYDOLL PF!

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Opening of Matrix Reloaded for one, she jumps out the window tursn and shoots, this pose is similar from what i remmebr, looks like BD is turning as she leaps off the severed head to face an enemy behind her, thats how i see it :wave

No, not similar at all. She rotates in midair to shoot the guy chasing her but her whole body turns. Her legs don't go one way and her torso the other like with BD.


Anyway, I really really want to like the BD PF but the pose just seems so extreme. So often SSC seems to just go overthink these things and go too far. Congrats to those who think this is a homerun.
It's awesome eh? I'm really happy that they didn't go with the generic base of snow or something...the samurai head just looks amazing!! :D

That was my biggest worry waking up this morning. That the base would suck. But it's awesome. That means that the remaining 4 will get awesome bases as well since the line wouldn't look right with 1 environmental base an 4 generic bases. Right They would need to match.

My second concern was a lame EX. But that's great too! Duel wielding FTW!!! :lecture

My only other concern was for the body proportions and pose but I like those as well :clap
No, not similar at all. She rotates in midair to shoot the guy chasing her but her whole body turns. Her legs don't go one way and her torso the other like with BD.

Anyway, I really really want to like the BD PF but the pose just seems so extreme. So often SSC seems to just go overthink these things and go too far. Congrats to those who think this is a homerun.

You make it sound like BD is a freak of nature, when the pose is extreme but natural. :dunno

There has been many fight scenes, in movies, real life, etc., especially with swords where the fighters twist and turn all kinds of ways. The fights can look kind of like a dance.
Snoopy you should update the first page with the high-rez pics for newcomers :wave

Done. :D

No, not similar at all. She rotates in midair to shoot the guy chasing her but her whole body turns. Her legs don't go one way and her torso the other like with BD.


Anyway, I really really want to like the BD PF but the pose just seems so extreme. So often SSC seems to just go overthink these things and go too far. Congrats to those who think this is a homerun.

IMO the pose is fine and Thanks. :duff
I love it! Non static pose. Excellent.

I really like the pose as well. It perfectly portrays BD's flight for life circumstances that she was enduring during her battle scenes in the movie.

I'm really liking the base on this one! :D

It's awesome eh? I'm really happy that they didn't go with the generic base of snow or something...the samurai head just looks amazing!! :D

:goodpost: I agree. The base is a perfect compliment to the action pose. This piece is a lock for me. I really like everything about it. I think this piece surpasses the GG BD piece on just about every level.

I wonder if she'll have a foot peg only on her right foot? The left foot/base area looks too thin to have a peg there.

If so i'd hope for a magnet attatchment to make sure the left foot connects to the base
I wouldn't mind SSC making all the girls but how long will it take. The only thing SSC has ever completed as a set was the TMNT comiquettes. Geesh I've been waiting to complete the Fantastic Four PFs & where the bloody hell is Jean Grey or Storm PFs? I don't see this happening.... but maybe in a decade or so...who knows right?

Yeah, I posted the other day about SSC never completed any line except TMNT and AH! comiquettes. Maybe there are a few other lines that they completed but can't remember. I really hope they make the rest of the SP girls.
I wonder if she'll have a foot peg only on her right foot? The left foot/base area looks too thin to have a peg there.

If so i'd hope for a magnet attatchment to make sure the left foot connects to the base

Good question and observation.

The area where the left foot rests does look to thin to have a peg there.
The base is a perfect compliment to the action pose. This piece is a lock for me. I really like everything about it. I think this piece surpasses the GG BD piece on just about every level.

She is a lock for me as well.

I just found out that I need to help clean out our storage unit tomorrow (was going to take place during the weekend but that won't work anymore)

and it's going to be an all day event! :slap

I know that things rarely sellout out from SS on the first day anymore, but I don't want to chance this! :panic:

I might be able to find a way to be home from 2:00-3:00 pm for the preorder as long as we get as early a start as a 6:00 am tomorrow.

There is NO WAY on God's green earth that I will be missing this tomorrow.
Wonderful! Absolutely fantastic! This shall likely be my first Sideshow product and boy does it look great! I love how dynamic the pose is. I get tired of seeing superheroes and movie characters just standing stiffly like Ultron and such. This action orientated pose is excellent and will look terrific on display!

Those criticizing the pose may want to actually look in the mirror sometime. Unless you're very out of shape a pose like this does not require extreme flexibility or anything like that. It is also very obviously in the middle of some greater action. It's not like she is just standing there in that pose for an hour. If practicality is your issue, then you watched the wrong movie since the dream sequence has her jumping hundreds of feet in the air and fighting massive Gatling gun wielding samurai.

My only issue is that her right eye is looking a little too far. It looks fine at angled views but not at direct views. Also the katana seems a tad bit too short but that's no big deal.
Yeah, I posted the other day about SSC never completed any line except TMNT and AH! comiquettes. Maybe there are a few other lines that they completed but can't remember. I really hope they make the rest of the SP girls.

I'm wondering if maybe this line being much more concentrated with just 5 statues will help them see it through to the end. The TMNT line is small as well so that could be a good sign!

Who knows, that might be a factor which helps with the QC as well. :monkey1

Hey guys, how about we PO this BD and make it sell out as soon as possible, that could be a way to let SSC know that this piece is so popular and they have to make the rest of the girls??? :p

Who's in? :clap