Statue Sideshow Superman Chris Reeve PF 1/4 2020

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I probably sound like a broken record, but they really should've gotten a master portrait artist to sculpt the head on this piece. I mean no offense to Matt Black as I know he's a talented sculptor and really loves Christopher Reeve's Superman (if I remember correctly he even has a life cast of Reeve's face at his desk). But, for something as iconic as this, Sideshow should've contracted it out to someone else, especially given the pretty negative feedback the previous Reeve PF received which was also sculpted by Matt Black.
Matt Black did not sculpt this second Reeve Superman PF Statue for Sideshow….Steve Lord did.
Matt Black did not sculpt this second Reeve Superman PF Statue for Sideshow….Steve Lord did.
They both did according to Sideshow though. So, I’m guessing one was the main sculptor and then someone else went back to edit it. I assumed Matt Black was the main sculptor though considering he was the portrait artist on first Reeve PF. Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done that on their portraits. I stand corrected, however, if it truly was solely Steve Lord
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I truly don't understand why Matt Black still works for Sideshow, the first statue he did looked nothing like Reeve, and here we go again.
I truly don't understand why Matt Black still works for Sideshow, the first statue he did looked nothing like Reeve, and here we go again.
I mean he still does some pretty good work, he's just not great at human likenesses and usually pretty soft on the details and texturing. He did the recent Vader PF which I think is the arguably the best one they've released. There are other past and present statues under his name that aren't too bad either. But, when it comes to iconic characters/actors that are historically difficult to capture like the ones he's done (Reeve and Ledger), you really need a master portrait artists rather than just any 'ol sculptor.
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So wanted this...but this is just bad. Not all of it, but that huge seam / gash under the neck looks like the work of Jack The Ripper! I cannot unsee how ugly this is. And what's with those HUGE eyebrows? No. No. No.
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You know, have to agree. Stuck with mine despite the negativity and really enjoy it whenever I’m in the room.
Yea, i got this piece as a gift for my birthday and I have to say, imperfections aside, he looks great next to my keaton 1/4.


View attachment 20230518_222251.jpg out of Vancouver Canada has this statue on sale for 32% off $519.99CA. I don't know whether or not if this company is any good since i have never purchased anything from them. out of Vancouver Canada has this statue on sale for 32% off $519.99CA. I don't know whether or not if this company is any good since i have never purchased anything from them.
That’s a great price but I don’t like that you have to create an account to order something especially if you don’t plan to regularly order from them
great to see fellow board members getting that sculpt in hand!
It’s a hard sculpt to photograph and show off just how great the paint apps are. This shot Pizza got is great and shows off those great paint work. makes me wish I got the smirk head along with the non smirking head.
Yes, I have a handful of Unleashed Viper 1/6 Superman heads and the paint apps are very nicely done in hand. Much better than most photographs show, even their own. I really wanted both heads as well, but just didn’t make sense to have this and the JND so I chose that. But, those new custom heads really elevate the sideshow piece