They have NEVER EVER NEVEREVER (smile) cancelled a waitlist weeks after a pre-order. Ask yourself why they decided to do so this time? There is only one logical explanation.
In my view, the preponderance of evidence points to lackluster sales. Why else cancel those on the waitlist and continue to hype the hell out of it on their site and social media if sales are what they expected?
I hope no one is naive enough to think they do all of this (their Wed show, the blog, fb, and so one) for any other reason than to sell statues and figures.
Edit: I know they did it afterwards with Prime1 Mr.Freeze and I would argue the reason was the same.
The ex sold out in minutes and literally hundreds of people were saying they missed out. There hasn't been demand like this for a statue in a long time.
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That's demand for the EX, not the REG. We have no idea if the REG is selling well or not. We won't know much until SSC reveals an ES for the REG.
I don't think it's a big leap to think the REG is selling well when you consider how fast the EX sold out.
What do you think the es will be for a statue to be considered selling well?
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It would be hilarious if the REG ES was smaller than the EX.![]()
Really hard to say because of the high price point, but I would think anything below 1500 would be a disappointment.
It's happened before
I think they're looking at this statue as a showcase piece for Sideshow, where they've really elevated their game. I think that's why they're promoting it like crazy, and yes, to generate sales. What's wrong with that?
I don't think it means preorders have been lackluster. The REG ES hasn't been established yet, so why not promote it like crazy, and try to sell as many as possible of a next-level statue? Seems like a good business strategy to me.
Out of those 70 000 people
A conservative response rate of at least 2% buying the statue equals 1400
No reason to control the flood gates now
although I agree I think the regular will have an edition size 1500, I would speculate that SS hoped for bigger numbers.