Sideshow Vampirella Comiquette

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Normally I'd be joining the rabble-rabble, but this works for me, I had 1-2 things too many that were looking to hit in June!
Normally I'd be joining the rabble-rabble, but this works for me, I had 1-2 things too many that were looking to hit in June!

I think we are all in the same boat. It'll get here when it gets here and not a moment before it does. BTW Corrose I love your setup
Normally I'd be joining the rabble-rabble, but this works for me, I had 1-2 things too many that were looking to hit in June!
Yeah, good point. I would most likely have had to cancel something else if this was coming in June. No big whoop. Although, I would have rather had another piece be delayed instead of this one.
Wow, this one is taking it's time, huh? It's already been 7 months since it went up for order, and now we're looking at over another month. I've been excited about this statue, but I guess it gives me more time to catch up on my collecting debt.

... BTW Corrose I love your setup

Hear, hear.
Wow, thanks for the nice comments on my display.
Vampirella was my first ever NRD, so I hope it turns out well. It was one of those things where I spontaneously ordered it and paid the fee because I was worried if I thought it over, it would be sold out before I made up my mind!
Good choice. I try not to buy figures outside of Marvel, Star Wars, and Alien/Predator. However, this is one of those rare times of the love of the character and design of the statue being enough to make an exception. Also, you just know that the value of the exclusive is going to sky rocket what with the ES being only 350.
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Good choice. I try not to buy figures outside of Marvel, Star Wars, and Alien/Predator. However, this is one of those rare exceptions of the love of the character and design of the statue being enough to make an exception. Also, you just know that the value of the exclusive is going to sky rocket what with the ES being only 350.
Yeah, I think that's a certainty. Both the low ES and the enormously righteous level of T&A. That always helps too. :naughty
Big love for Vampi and this statue captures the sexy and the grandeur that is Vampirella. Even if you have never heard of this character you'd be hard pressed to deny how amazing the pre-production model looks. Can't wait, but will have to apparently
Good choice. I try not to buy figures outside of Marvel, Star Wars, and Alien/Predator. However, this is one of those rare times of the love of the character and design of the statue being enough to make an exception. Also, you just know that the value of the exclusive is going to sky rocket what with the ES being only 350.
I wish I had some better photography chops, as I'd really like to update all my collection photos, maybe I'll take some new ones this weekend.

Uh oh! there's more???!! I don't think I'd be able to take anymore awesomeness inside your built ins. Really great foresight on your part to have those done. The photos were great.
Thanks, J! I checked it out and after I picked myself up off the floor and brushed myself off, I finally realized that I'd witnessed absolute perfection. Holy shmokes, that is amazing!!! :rock
JULY!? Aaaargh! Grrrrrrr!

Oh, wait. This really does suck! :mad:
Thanks, J! I checked it out and after I picked myself up off the floor and brushed myself off, I finally realized that I'd witnessed absolute perfection. Holy shmokes, that is amazing!!! :rock


I know, right? Those built in cabinets of his are sick as hell.