Super Freak
I disagree with an age limit because adults have ____ed others over too.
well its a against the law to make such deals with minors.... for one..
I disagree with an age limit because adults have ____ed others over too.
So why wouldn't you have stated that in the FS thread? None of this was stated in the item description. And even an idiot would know that the one you sold him with was a fake when you look at it and look at the original one so stating "I thought it was the original" is bull____.
how do you forget to pack the stand?? its got the name of the figure right on it.. lol
That's the thing. Common sense would tell you to wait until it arrives and you hear back from the buyer before spending the cash. Tracking will tell you when it gets there so you know when to start bugging.
Hey Elder, I'm turning 16 soon! YAY! Dunno if you've already had your birthday this year, but we could sure as hell set an example for younger people putting their old stuff up for sale. All it takes is at least one picture per item (assuming you can show all of the accessories in that one picture), and an honest description easy.
@RUMADMAN: That may be, but it's not my PP account I buy with. It's my dad's. And it's not me the buyer MO's are sent to. It's my dad. We get the money in the mail, he cashes it, and gives it to me. Plain and simple, it's my stuff and my dough, but he's the middle man that such a process would require.
Dunno how it is with Elder; at one point I heard he had a PP of his own, but it's not rocket science to be under 21 and be a good person to deal with.
Please keep my name outa the conversationHey RUMADMAN, I'm turning 16 soon! YAY!
@RUMADMAN: That "against the law" comment may be true, but it's not my PP account I buy with. It's my dad's. And it's not me the buyer MO's are sent to. It's my dad. We get the money in the mail addressed to him, he cashes it, and gives it to me. Plain and simple, it's my stuff and my dough, but he's the middle man that such a process would require.
Dunno how it is with Elder; at one point I heard he had a PP of his own, but it's not rocket science to be under 21 and also be a responsible person to deal with.
@DutchAzlon: Best... quote... ever.
Why didn't I state the "original" bio was broken?? Well that's the answer in itself
I listed the bio as custom. Plus all you've gotta do is look at the damn thing. I DID NOT know the bio was a "fake" I don't have much custom accessory experiance so...... I fell in the seller's trap(my fault)
That right there is basically you admitting to defrauding your customer. It wasn't the original bio then and you, fully admitting here that you knew it, still stated that Celtic was "complete." And again, any idiot looking at the custom, who's seen, let alone held the original bio, would know the difference. And I'd say you set the trap and thought you could take advantage of someone while gaining a real "complete" Celtic in the process. I really hope he takes it the legal route. You're actions are disgusting and shameless and deserve proper consequences for what you've done.
thats a scary thought... then i as a selller dont know who i would be exactly dealing with..... you or your father...
I haven't done anything. Read the PM I forwarded you. Ash bought the figure AS-IS so.....
Plus, the Bio I got from Juan had two black parts on the back.(It looked like one bio was glued or welded on top of the other) I don't know if that's what the original one looked like or not. But oh well, as I said in a PM "figure sold as-is" he bought it anyway.
Everyone that I sent a forwarded PM to please read it, and post it here if possible. I don't know howIt proves everything I said before as true
Nothing's happend between me a DJ, I didn't care the bio was broken for these reasons:
1.I finally had a Celtic Pred
2.I had another Bio which I thought was stock, but customized
3.Didn't plan on selling him anytime soon
I sold the figure to him "AS-IS" its just like selling a car, as long as it's sold "As-Is" the seller is protected.
I've agreed to refund his money, he's not happy with it, because he over hyped himself with what he was getting, and didn't read/understand all the info in the PM's I sent.
He also keeps changing the deal around, first he just wanted the spear and stand, then he wanted half his money back, then a full refund, and NOW he wants my figuremasterles custom movie accurate Scar Predator plus $100.
Nothing's happend between me a DJ, I didn't care the bio was broken for these reasons:
1.I finally had a Celtic Pred
2.I had another Bio which I thought was stock, but customized
3.Didn't plan on selling him anytime soon
I sold the figure to him "AS-IS" its just like selling a car, as long as it's sold "As-Is" the seller is protected.
I've agreed to refund his money, he's not happy with it, because he over hyped himself with what he was getting, and didn't read/understand all the info in the PM's I sent.
He also keeps changing the deal around, first he just wanted the spear and stand, then he wanted half his money back, then a full refund, and NOW he wants my figuremasterles custom movie accurate Scar Predator plus $100.
I wouldent feel comfterable making payments to a second partys paypal account if that was the case.
Dunno if you'd accept paying the price Ash had to pay. I think it's better to shoot for the refund. Then at least the seller will have learned a lesson and we'll have better prevention from something like this in the future. Honest mistake or not, no reason to simply swipe it under the rug.
@spider: Welcome, man. I'd say it's about the same. With eBay you have PP protection, along with eBay's protection. Here, most sellers use PP as well (I personally use money orders), so you should be covered either way. Also, on a forum, you can have better communication and negotiation. Typically the prices are lower, too. Good hunting, dude.
It's a term of endearment he earned from me in the Joe threads over a spat regarding the Cobra throne.![]()