You know what, that's such a damn shame to have waited all these years for a decent next generation Silent Hill game only to be fed this hot mess excuse for a game. After hearing so many negative comments about this latest installment, I'm going to pass and wait for the SH HD collection
Oh trust me, this is my favorite title in years, easily, even with these tech issues. The good far outweighs the bad. I know I am giving mixed signals here, but its really due to how damn good the game is overall, so when I run into a tech issue, I wanna scream cause I am loving the game
I did the same thing. I just kept running and running, at one point I just sort of spaced out and kept going. Eventually I snapped back to reality and figured it out. Felt pretty silly afterwards.
I did the same thing to a degree.....I have spent a lot of time just exploring, and they really pack stuff in to do....the bird side quest really has those little blue guys spread out, so you have to really explore.