I think this really hammers home how good you can become with patience and practice. I would love to see you do a head painting tutorial. Of course I also understand if you don't want to give away valuable trade secrets. As everyone has said, excellent excellent work!
Thanks. Lots of patience and lots of practice. I really have lots of you to thank for making that possible. If I were still just doing this as a hobby, I don't think I'd have progressed much. But I like to know I'm giving you guys my absolute best every time, even when that means I have to do a little more, and work a little harder each time.
I'd love to give a tutorial at some point, but maybe not until my livelihood no longer depends on my ability to do it. I have been giving some thought to making an all encompassing instructional book and/or video for painting and customizing figures. Nodody has ever done that for us in this hobby before. I sure would have loved to have one when I was starting out, but it has been fun figuring it out the hard way.
You've learned well young Jedi. :emperor