Simpsons Quote Thread

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"When the Saints Go Over There! Oh, I want to be in that rumba, When the saints go over there. Oh over there! Oh over there!"
Can't believe one of my all time favorites isn't on here yet.....

Zombie Flanders: Hey Simpson. I'm feelin a bit peckish. Mind if I chew your ear?
(Homer shoots Flanders)
Bart: Dad! You killed Zombie Flanders!
Homer: He was a zombie?
Mr. Burns: This is a thousand monkeys working at a thousand typewriters. Soon, they'll have finished the greatest novel known to man.

*reads a page*

Mr. Burns: All right, let's see... "It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?" You stupid monkey!
Mr. Burns: We don't have to be adversaries, Homer. We both want a fair union contract.
Homer: [thinking] Why is Mr. Burns being so nice to me?
Mr. Burns: And if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Homer: [thinking] Wait a minute. Is he coming onto me?
Mr. Burns: I mean, if I should slip something into your pocket, what's the harm?
Homer: [thinking] My God! He IS coming onto me!
Mr. Burns: After all, negotiations make strange bedfellows.
Mr. Burns: [wink]
Homer: [thinking] Aaaaaagh!
Homer: [aloud] Sorry, Mr. Burns, but I don't go in for these backdoor shenanigans. Sure, I'm flattered, maybe even a little curious, but the answer is no!
*After watching the Mr. Plow commercial at 3 am*
Homer: Now we play the waiting game.......
*Everyone sits quietly and nothing happens*
Homer: Ahhh the waiting game sucks, lets play hungry hungry hippos!
Homer: Do you sell toys?
Shop Owner: We sell forbidden objects from places men fear to tread. We also sell frozen yogurt, which I call frogurt.
Homer: Well I need something for my son's birthday.
Shop Owner: Well perhaps this will please the gentleman. (Picks up Krusty doll) Take this object but beware it carries a terrible curse.
Homer: Oh that's bad.
Shop Owner: But it comes with a free frogurt!
Homer: That's good!
Shop Owner: The frogurt is also cursed.
Homer: That's bad.
Shop Owner: But you get your choice of topping.
Homer: That's good!
Shop Owner: The toppings contain potassium benzoate.
*Homer stares blankly*
Shop Owner: That's bad.
Homer: Can I go now?